Chapter Twenty-Three

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I walked away as fast as possible.

I can't face him now.


No response.

"Hey, look at me." I of course had to look up. He looked mad.

"What the fuck was that? You kissing on Chaz? What the fuck, Allison!"

"Justin it's not what you think, he kissed me!"

"Even if that's so, you kissed him back and you were getting drunk when I told you not to!"

"Justin I-"

"Save it." His voice so harsh. "I think we need to take a break. I can't handle this anymore."

A huge lump formed in my throat, my stomach suddenly felt empty and worse of all, my heart was ready to break. "No! Justin, why are you doing this?"

"Because you cheated on me with my best friend. And you got drunk. And I told you NOT to."

"I was going to stop kissing him and stop drinking!"

I heard him laugh, but of course it wasn't that usual laugh. "Sure, stop when you two have sex? God, Allison, I really loved you."

"I would've told you as soon as possible! I didn't want this to come out like this..I'm sorry.I didn't mean for it to happen, but-"

"But what? Allison, I just don't know what to say. Maybe in a few days...or weeks or even years, I'll finally get over this."

"But I said I was sorry." The sobs we're getting worse by the minute. "I love you, Justin! Please."

"Just...I can't even look at you right now."

"Justin...don't." I as of now, was on the floor, crying my eyes out.

"Alli...come here." His voice was more settle. I tried to stop crying and got myself up. I wiped the tears away and I saw him open his arms. "I fucking love you, so much. But why, why?"

"I don't know what came over me. He asked me to dance and he kept giving me drinks and.."

"He gave you the drinks?"

I nodded, not finding the words.

He looked even more mad. "Why didn't you say no?"

"He was being nice and he said they wouldn't hurt me.."

He sighed. "It was a club and it's Chaz. He gets drunk. He probably wanted to get you wasted so he can use you to have sex. Don't you not know how much that would hurt me?"

"I know.." I suddenly started crying again. "Please don't leave me, Justin. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I will do anything to make you happy and want me again."

"I just can't forget this...I can't trust you now."

"I'll gain the trust back." I said instantly.

"It won't be fast...You got me so upset, I actually almost cried, Alli."

"You did?" I was shocked. Justin, almost crying?

He nodded. "You hurt me. My best friend, my girlfriend. Oh God. I really don't wanna leave you but-"

"Don't,please." I begged again. I know I looked like a fool but..

"We need a break."

I shook my head as much as possible. "When you say break, do you mean...forever?"

"No, until I get over this. It won't be fast but it won't be long."


"You need a break too. I think all of this has got you overwhelmed."

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