Chapter Five

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I was suppose to be screaming inside about my date with Justin, not about my terrible family.

"Where we're you?" My dad asked. I was about to say 'Why do you care?' But I didn't.

"I was on a date."

"Are you serious? You, a date? With who, a nerd?" Taylor was being a stupid, preppy bitch as always. I tried to ignore how pretty she looked today. Her blonde, long hair and her perfect skin. And her outfit looked like it cost over 500 dollars.

"No, I wasn't on a date with a nerd, and even if I was, what's the big deal?"

"We we're waiting for you for like 30 minutes. We saw you out there with some boy but we didn't know who he was."

I was getting mad. Very mad. "You spied on me? And you had the right to even ask me where I was when you knew? I saw you all at the damn restaurant!"

"Yeah, we went as a family." My dad replied.

"And didn't offer to ask us?" By us, I meant me, my sister and my mom.

"Why should we?" Bryson replied. I had forgot all about him since he was in the back and you could hardly see his face because his hair covered it.

"Does my mom know you're here?"

"Yup." My dad replied. "She said she would be right down."

I sighed. I somehow wish Justin would still be out there, just to see if everything was okay. I wanted to check, but well I'd look stupid.

"So are we all just gonna stand around or what? And why are you all here?"

"Didn't your mom tell you, we're all going on a vacation for 2 weeks."

My body froze. "Wait, what?"

I heard Taylor laugh and even the 5 year old Natalie started laughing.

"Yeah, to Jamaica. Actually, your mom made up the idea and thought it would be nice to invite us. We decided to come tonight. We told your mom tomorrow but we had nothing to do and plus we we're already out, with our stuff in the car."

I didn't wanna cry in front of everyone. I felt tears form in my eyes but I tried to stay strong. "So you come at the last minute? I didn't even know about this so called trip!"

"Dude, chill, what's the big deal?" Bryson was annoying when he talked. The words he immature.

"I just, don't want to go. I have the right to decide if I wantto go or not."

"Well you have to come. Your mom already called the school and they're fine with it, specially since it's only April."

I groaned. "I don't want to go, I would be leaving back so many things!"

"Like what? You have no friends. And that boy you we're with? Looks like a loser."

I was getting even more mad. "He. Is. Not. A. Loser and I DO too have friends!"

"Oh sure, please who would like you? Just look at yourself, you're hideous. Your a loser, a freak, shall I continue?"

I felt the tears pour down. "I don't need this." Without looking, I walked out.

I didn't know where I was going, I could hardly see by my tears. I was running, that's all I knew. A few seconds later, I crashed into someone. They wrapped their arms around me and that's when I knew who it was. Justin. I started crying more and more. I felt him hug me tightly and whisper "It's gonna be okay" in my ear. I couldn't stop crying. He kept saying "Shh" and "What happened, Alli?"

He let me go and wiped away the tears that were on my face. "Tell me what happened."

"My Jamaica. 2 weeks."

His face looked confused. "Your going to Jamaica for 2 weeks?" His voice had dropped. I nodded, still couldn't find my words.

" Allison..and you're upset because you don't wanna go?"

I nodded again and I felt him wrap his arms around me again and I sighed. "I really really really don't wanna go. I would be leaving so much behind and it's only 2 weeks but-"

"It's a long time." He responded. "When you'll be there, I'll be on tour. I have 5 weeks left of this World tour. I mean I'm so happy we got to hang out and get to know each other and-"

"Please..don't make me upset then I already am.."

"But Alli-"

"You don't like me because I'm too ugly right? Is that it? Or was I just a practice to see if you could hook up with an ugly girl?"

He shook his head. "No no no, Alli you're getting this ALL wrong."

"What do you mean?" I was really yelling by now.

"Alli, you cut me off. What I was saying was that maybe you could stay back..and go on tour with me."

"What?" I was shocked. Too shocked. "Tour..with you?"

"Yeah..I mean I know it's gonna take a little time to get used too and I'm gonna be busy as hell but I mean I feel like I wanna get to know you more and you're right, 2 weeks is a long time."

I sighed. I felt like a fool now. I got so worked up over nothing. "Look Justin-"

He pulled me into a hug again. "Don't be sorry, I know you're going through stuff, who isn't? But I'm not that kind of guy. I don't judge girls on what they look like or how they dress or whatever, the thing that counts is..inside and trust me, you have a great personality."

"Really?" I felt myself smile.

"Yeah." He responded. "I mean I'll ask your parents.."

"Don't." I responded quickly. "They don't know I'm..dat-hanging out with you." I didn't really know if we we're dating, more of hanging out I guess.

"And you think it's a bad thing?"

"No, of course not, it's just that my parents well my dad and my other family.. they can be kinda mean..and not supportive..and specially my dad. I mean he's not in my life...but he probably wanted me to go with." I sighed hard and saw Justin's face, I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"I understand..but trust me, they'll say yes, they can't say no to the Bieb." He smiled at the end, like it was a joke.

I laughed and blushed as he did his signature hair shake. "Okay, let's go I guess."

"Yeah and if not, I'll just have to capture you and take you away."

"Oh really?" I asked, amused by his jokes.

"Of course. Oh by the way, you're not ugly. Not even close. Your're gorgeous."

And before I could even respond or blush, his lips captured mine.

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