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Everytime I looked at Justin, it made me upset.

Now I know what you're thinking, "How can you say that?" How would you feel if your boyfriend beat up a random guy in a public place and got a black eye from it? In all, fighting isn't worth it.

"Here lemme ice it." I tried putting the ice on his eye but he stopped me. "I can do it myself, don't worry, I'm fine."

I sighed and sat back against the couch. Here we were, sitting here, just the two of us. It was my last night home before I went on tour with Justin for the summer.

Today wasn't a very good day. At the carnival, I thought everything would be nice and fun. It was at first..but I didn't like that he beat up that guy, Chris. I remembered it exactly and everytime I thought of it, I got even more mad.

He knew I was still upset. My face showed it, I knew it.

"Baby..are you still upset about before?"

I nodded and turned to him. "How can I not be? Look at yourself, Justin! You got a black eye because of me."

He put the ice down and stared into my eyes. A tear rolled down my eye just by looking at him. "This didn't happen because of you. Okay, well it seems that way. Baby, I know fighting was uncalled for but I came out of the bathroom to see this guy flirting with you, what was I suppose to do?"

"Not fight him, Justin! It caused a scene and it's probably all over the news and twitter and I'll get more hate and-"

He kissed me lightly on the lips to stop me from talking. "Stop worrying, okay? He may of hit me in the eye but to be honest, it was worth it."

"It was not-"

His index finger went against my lips. "It was. I love you, Allison. I really do."

"I love you too Justin..but what are we gonna tell the people-"

"They don't even matter."

"But your fans! They're probably confused and upset and everything."

"If my fans really loved me, they would learn that my personal life is kept secret."

I sighed and kissed him on the cheek. He seemed to accept that. "I'm sorry." I whispered into his ear. "I know you just love me and care."

"You know you love me, I know you care, just shout whenever and I'll be there." He sung quietly. He laughed afterwards and I hit him on the arm with a laugh. "You're such a weirdo!"

He had the most adorable smle on his face. "I know, but you love me."

"What if I said I didn't love you?"

He frowned as he held his hand over his left eye. "What do you mean? You don't love me?"

"No! That's not what I mean at all! I love you with all my heart, Justin," I lifted his hand off of his eye so he'd be looking at me. "You're the one person I could actually see myself ending up with."


I nodded. "Really. I don't know if you feel-"

He cut me off, "I do, I feel the same way Alli." He smiled and leaned in closer to my face. We closed our eyes but before our lips touched I backed away.

He looked at me. "What's wrong?"

I started running towards the bathroom. I tried screaming out to him, but I'm not sure he heard me. "I'm gonna be sick!"

I had my head over the toilet as Justin walked in the room. I was afraid to look up at him.

"I make you sick, huh?" I could tell he was joking, but I couldn't help but feel bad.

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