Bucky Barnes- Nightmare

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I was scared there were trees everywhere. They were covering my view of everything around me. I felt trapped. I didn't like what was happening to me. I wanted to disappear into the darkness. I just started  running. I couldn't stop now if I did I knew I would die. Suddenly I was now in the Avenger tower. Everyone was sitting around talking. Except everyone was in their gear. They weren't in their "normal" clothes. I didn't like what I was seeing. It was like everyone had came back from battle. I just wanted a hug now. Then it got really warm. I felt good. Relieved. Like someone was giving me a tight hug. I look down and I was being stabbed in the heart. Then the pain came. I was now on the ground bleeding out. I needed to be saved. I closed my eyes and was now back at my old house. I went outside and a car drove by.

I was back in my old home in the 40s

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I was back in my old home in the 40s. I wanted Bucky. I was in a never ending loop. I definitely needed to be saved now. I didn't like what was happening to me. I wanted to be home with Bucky and all of my friends. I ran back in through the house but the minute I go through the door I was now back in the forest. I started screaming and running. I was bleeding again. I started crying. I wanted to die. I saw a cliff so I jumped. I was falling for a really long time. Why couldn't it be over now? How was I not dead? Where was I really? I started asking myself questions because maybe that could make me go home sooner. I started crying. I then was now sitting in the corner of a really dark room. I just stayed there and  let myself cry. I fell asleep.

Bucky's POV: 

I was laying in bed getting kicked in the face a lot. So I used my metal arm and picked (Y/N) up and sat her up in my arms and held her. She opened her eyes and looked at me like she had been crying for 70 years. 

"What happened? Is this the real world?" She asked while closing her eyes again like she was scared I was going to hurt her. "Nothing is going to harm you now, my dear. You are safe." I lied back down with her on top of me in my arms and played with her hair. She just couldn't sleep so I asked her. "Do you give up?" She didn't say anything but she did get up and grabbed the television remote. She turned on Netflix and put on Once Upon a Time. She really liked the show and I guess I did too it was just very into it. She put on season 5 because it's my favorite one. I like Camelot. She stared making the bed. 

"What do you think your doing?" "Making the bed because it helps when I have bad dreams." She said while taking the pillow out from under my head. "Please not while I'm still in it." I plead. She winks and then continues. I am so lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend. 

(Y/N)'s POV:

As I finished making the bed he got up and turned the T.V. up. "I'm turning it up because you are making a lot of noise." he said while helping me tuck the sheets in.

"That's what she said." I said while laughing. "What do you mean?" "I mean that what you said was very funny and it reminded me of.... Never mind." "No please continue." He said all sarcastic. I hit him in the head with a pillow and he couldn't stop laughing until he grabbed another pillow. Now we were having a full on pillow fight at 9am before anyone was awake. Well so we thought.

"CAN YOU BE QUIET I'M TRYING TO SLEEP AND YOUR LAUGHING IS DISTRACTING!" Tony yelled when he slammed open our bedroom door.

"THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" Bucky and I yelled in sync as Tony rolled his eyes and slammed the door shut. I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to pee. 

"Ok, lets go down and make some breakfast for everyone." Bucky said while throwing me my bathrobe. He just smiled and hugged him. He kissed me on the head and grabbed my hand. 

We went downstairs and made pancakes. "Oh hello love birds." Steve said while raising an eyebrow. I smiled and kissed Bucky then sat down on the couch in the T.V. room. 

I was so happy. My dream was over and everyone was happy.

Then the room went black.

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