Road Trip

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Chapter 7


It's been a long day without you, my friend, and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again...

We've come a long way from where we began, oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again... when I see you again...

Usually, when the rap part of the song comes in to play, that's where our little duet between me and Zack falls apart as I'm a shitty rapper. Zack, on the other hand, knows the song from top to bottom, including the rap part, so he continues by himself. And finally, when the last verse of the song plays, we join up together again for the final notes.

"When I see you AGAIN... ohhhhh..."

"You guys are dorks," Anna rains on our parade from the backseat of the car.

"No, you guys are really good," Erica says, sitting right beside her.

"Thanks, Erica," I say looking back at Anna from the driver's seat. God, she's such a Negative Nelly. Girl's just jealous, ain't that just predictable.

"So Zack, how do you like it over in Jersey?" Erica changes the subject and continues to pursue her new crush.

"I actually don't really like it all that much," Zack replies.

"Have you made any friends over there?"

"Sure, I guess."

"But you still don't like it?"

"No, not really."


"The people aren't the same, ya know? Friends just aren't replaceable," he says looking in my direction. It's good to know he felt the same way as I did while he was gone. No one could ever fucking replace him. I tried with Anna, but... just no. We fist bump and Erica starts fangirling back there.

"Aw, you guys are friendship goals!"

"Yeah, when's the wedding?" Anna interjects coldly as if wasn't a joke.

While normally the gay jokes would get under my skin, I surprisingly don't take much offense as I know it's just a stupid joke from my jealous girlfriend who can't stand the fact that I love my best friend more than her.

Zack and I exchange a look and together say, in unison, "We'll let you know."

During our long-ass drive across half the state of California, we stop for a rest at some gas station outside of Bakersfield.

"If I had known LA was a fucking six-hour drive I wouldn't have agreed to come along," Anna mutters and I can see she's the only one not having fun. My ass hurts like a bitch after sitting down driving for four hours straight and yet I'm still in a good mood and I can't wait to get to LA. Anna on the other hand... I don't know about her anymore.

Zack and I head to the bathroom and as we stand in front of the mirror to wash our hands, he says to me, "I think your relationship is hanging on the edge of a cliff."

"Yeah, no shit. It's like she's never happy anymore. I don't know what to do."

"Honestly man, I think there's only one thing left you can do."

"What? Breakup with her?"

He gives me a slight nod. "Only if you feel like it's going nowhere. From my point of view... it looks like she's getting bored."

I sigh. "I don't want to dump her though. What if... we're wrong about this and I hurt her feelings?"

"Dude, it's about how you feel. Do you want to be with her?"

I pause for a moment to evaluate my feelings towards Anna. She was my only friend while Zack was gone and now that he's back, the truth is, I don't really need her anymore. I know that sounds harsh but... I know that I don't actually have feelings for her. She was just someone to keep me company, nothing more. But I know she likes me a lot, and right now she's just upset that the truth about how I really feel about her is slowly starting to unravel. So I can't just dump her, it'd crush her.

"Yeah... I don't want to break up with her. What do you suggest I do to... make her happy?"

"Alright, so when we get to the hotel you guys should definitely share a room. Single bed." I think I know where he's going with this.

"What, like sex?"

"If she wants it. I'm betting she does."

"Wait, but you'd be sharing a room with Erica?" I randomly bring up in an attempt to dodge that conversation.

"Yeah, so?"

I smile at him. "That chick likes you, man."

"What can I say, chicks dig me. But anyway, don't worry about me. This is about you. If she actually does want it, then this is your chance to finally swipe that v-card!"

I roll my eyes because I hate talking about that. It makes me feel like such a loser that I'm a virgin at 18. And I doubt Anna's actually gonna want to do it with me anyway, given all her suspicions about me. Plus... I don't even know if I actually want to do it with her. I always wanted my first time to be special and with someone I loved. But hey, if she's up for it (which I doubt) then I might as well get my first time over with, right? Don't want to be a virgin for the rest of my life. Or at least until I've found the One, and who knows when that'll be.

"I guess," I say with reluctance.

"You guess? Come on, bro, this is your best opportunity. Hotel rooms are great places to do it your first time. Most of them even have complimentary condoms and love-kits. It couldn't be more perfect!"

I scoff. "You seriously think that'll keep her around?"

"Of course. Maybe that's why she's been so bored lately. I thought that saving her life like we did back at the beach would win back her love for you but not even that worked so this is your best bet now, dude."

"Fine. I'll try it."

He pats me on the back and we exit the bathroom, walking back into the convenience store.

I know it's none of my business but my curiosity gets the best of me so I ask him, "You and Erica gonna be alright sharing a room together?"

"Yeah? We still have to get the girls on board with the sleeping arrangements. If they don't like it then it's just you and me, bro, like usual."

Honestly, I kinda hope that they don't like it because I'm not really looking forward to listening to Zack and Erica have sex in the next room over while me and Anna hopelessly let our "relationship" crumble. I already know we're not gonna be having sex so I can't look forward to that—as if that actually was something to look forward to. Especially now since she's starting to realize that I don't actually like her. Damn, relationships are so much trouble.

When Zack and I return to the car we see Anna and Erica standing together, waiting for us. "Well, you guys ready?" Anna asks as we approach.

Ready if you are, I say mentally, referring back to my conversation with Zack.

"Yeah, let's hit the road!" Zack answers her as he sits in the passenger seat.

Once we're all seated and prepared for the next two hours of road travel, I start the car and Los Angeles here we come!

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