I Hate You

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Chapter 18


When Zack gets home I fucking let him have it. As he walks through the garage door I shove him into the wall, yelling into his face, "What the hell did you just do?!"

"Get your hands off me!" He aggressively pushes me off of him and I think we're both surprised over how aggressive we both can be when we're angry.

"You answer me, man, why the fuck did you just stab me in the back like that?!" I scream at him. Fuck, I can just see the guilt in his stupid blue eyes.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," he bullshits me as he attempts to leave the conversation, but there's no way in hell I'm just gonna let him walk away from me without giving me a sufficient answer.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about! You lied to Anna about me being a faggot and intentionally broke us up. What kind of a friend does that?!"

"Why do you care?! You don't even like her! You were fucking planning on dumping her ass anyway!"

"It's not about that, asshole! It's about the fact that you lied to intentionally fuck me over! Why would you do that?!"

And he still doesn't give me a goddamn answer.

"Fucking answer me!" I push him again to keep him from walking away and not giving me a response. "What the fuck did I do to you?! Why now do you hate me so much?!" Shit, my voice cracked at that last sentence.

He just glares at me, expressing a hint of sorrow in his eyes.

"Because I fucking pulled away from you? You're gonna throw away years of our friendship over petty bullshit?!"

Zack finally pulls away from the grasp I have on his arm and begins walking away, still refusing to give me a fucking answer. "It's not my fault I'm not into you like that!" I add before he leaves my presence and that one sentence finally gets him to open up.

"You know damn well that's not true... faggot. Now go suck your own dick!" He says, and I think that's probably the only thing that he's ever said to me that genuinely crushed my fucking feelings.

"How am I the faggot?!" I blurt out through the pain of my inner cheeks. Damn it, here come the tears! "You were the one who tried to kiss me!"

"Only because I knew you wanted it, you fucking fag! Your little suggestions were so fucking obvious. I mean, what straight guy stares at another guy's ass or says that he'd rather date him over his own goddamn girlfriend?!"

Shit, I did do those things. But obviously, I'm not gonna admit that they were sexual suggestions. "I sent you the wrong signals," I respond nervously.

"Bullshit! You wish you had gotten the chance to suck me off that night and you know it."

"Then why'd I reject you?!" Take that, bitch.

"Because you're a scared little pussy who's afraid to admit the fact that you're gay!"

"You're the one who tried to kiss me, dumbass!"

"Only cuz I was trying to be a good friend and give you what I knew you wanted. It wouldn't have meant anything to me."

"A good friend? You think that's what you are? Well, tell me this, if you were such a good friend then why would you lash out at me just because I rejected you? If it 'wouldn't have meant anything to you' then why were you so heart-broken that I rejected your gay-ass?! Huh?! Try to answer that, bitch!" Damn, this is going so far! Never have I ever called him a bitch and meant it before. Never have I ever said anything ugly to him and meant it in a way to degrade him. And yet I just keep going. "You're not a good friend. You're not even a friend at all! You're shit!" Now I think I went too far.

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