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Chapter 27


"Dude, we're fucking lost!" Zack's stupid ass always has to point out the obvious.

"Good observation, captain obvious!" I say in annoyance.

"I'm tired..." he announces to me through a big, ugly yawn.

"Good for you, I don't care, just keep moving," I reply harshly, still attempting to come across as an asshole to him for whatever reason.

"Oh come on, man, when are you gonna stop being a dick to me? I said I was sorry, geez!"

I don't answer him and just keep walking. Him dropping his stuff and taking a seat on the ground however grabs my attention. "What are you doing?"

"Let's just camp out here tonight. It's a quarter past midnight and I'm really tired. We can try to find our way back tomorrow."

I look at my watch. "It's 12:25..." I roll my eyes at his stupidity.

"Yeah, 25 is a quarter, duh?"

"Not when you're talking about time. One hour is sixty minutes... divide that by four and what do you get?"

"Fuck, I don't know. You think I paid attention in Algebra?!"

"That's not even Algebra... god, you're so fuckin' stupid."

"Not as stupid as you!"

"Well, at least I know that a quarter past midnight is 12:15, not 12:25!"

"Ugh! Whatever! Could you just shut up and help me start a fire?"

"Why don't you just do it yourself since I'm so stupid!" I reject.

"Dude, please?"

After a bit of reluctance, I finally give in and decide to help him gather up some wood. It surprisingly doesn't take long to set the fire ablaze and the next thing I know we're sitting directly across from each other staring into the vibrant blames and fluttering embers. It's quite peaceful actually. Would be even better if we had some s'mores to go along with this soothing fire.

"Do you still hate me?" Zack just has to ruin the peace and quiet.

"Why you gotta ruin the peace, man?" I dodge that question quite eloquently.


We then go back into silence for a second or two but unfortunately not for long.

"Could you just answer me this, at least..."

I groan at the disruption of my peace once again.

"Do you remember that time in second grade when you bought me that toy Camaro for friendship day?"

"Yeah," I say, looking at up him from the fire. "I remember you always loved Camaros, even back then. It was your favorite car of all time."

"Yeah, I didn't even expect you to give me a gift at all just because it was friendship day..."

"That's the whole point of surprises, dummy."

He smirks. "That was a pretty cool thing of you to do, man. I'll never forget that."

"Me neither," I mutter under my breath, hoping that he didn't hear what I said.

"Remember when I got in trouble for unscrewing Mrs. Barnes's chair in Social Studies class. She hated me so much that she just knew I had done it even though she had no proof. That bitch was ready to send me to the office before you took—"

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