Ch. 2

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"Ms. Cabello we found this letter under Ana's pillow."

The lawyer handed me a sealed envelope. Two days after Ana and I were at the park, she died for no reason. The autopsy came back saying that when she gave birth to her daughter she was in risk of dieing.

I took the letter and carefully opened it.


If your reading this then my predictions were right, I did die. The thing is I already knew I was dieing, the doctor offered to give me some medicine but I had to pay for them since they were rare. The reason for this letter is to let everyone know that my daughter who remains nameless will stay with Karla Camila Cabello, my best friend, and Lauren Michelle Jauregui, my cousin. I know you two have never met but all I ask is for you two to take care of my daughter. I know you two will take good care of her. I never got the chance to call my cousin to let her know my decision like I did with Camila. Please call her to let her know what is going on. And Camila when you see my cousin don't be afraid of her. She looks like a bitch but she's really soft in the inside. I will always love you two that's why I have chosen you two to as the legal guardians of my baby. Make my baby happy.
Love Always,

She knew he was dieing? "Camila what does it say?" My mom asked I handed her the letter. I wonder who this Lauren chic is I don't even have her number to call her. Me mom hands me back the letter and shows me the back side which had Lauren's phone number.

"What's the point of not having a pregnant daughter if she's gunna be left with a baby anyways."


I went to the airport to pick up this Lauren girl. She was flying out from Los Angeles to come live here in Miami. Since we're the legal guardians it's practically like were together but with a baby, that still needs a name.

She told me to make her a sign saying Jauregui the announcer said that the passengers coming from LA were just getting off the plane. I stood up when I saw a bunch of people coming out the hall that led to the plane. I held up my sign and waited to see who this Lauren girl is. I was distracted when I saw a pretty red head girl walking out with the other passengers. She was petite and really skinny but really pretty. I felt someone tap my shoulder, I turned and saw the most amazing green eyes.

"Hi I'm Lauren" She stook out her hand for me to shake which I did. Her voice was husky and so sexy. Her hand was warm and a perfect fit for my hand. She was wearing a beanie and had a lollipop in her mouth. Oh those lips. And her tattoos and piercing... Wait!! What?? When did she get those!!

"So besides you rudely staring at me and not talking to me your still gunna check my out?" She lifted her eyebrow which also looked sexy.

"No, I just expected someone less...this." I waved at her tattoos on her arms. She looked down at her arms.

"Do you have a problem with them?"
She asked again. Man why is she so sexy yet so scary?

"No........We should go." I walked infront of her with her following behind. I can't believe I have to share a baby with her.

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