Ch. 6

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Since Lauren swore up and down she was strong enough to push our new mattress up the stairs I let her do it alone while I watched. The guys that brought over our mattress only left it in our living room. The mattress was barley on the third step while Lauren was at the bottom of the stair case pushing it up. I was standing not that far from her with Emily in my arms.

"Are you sure don't need me help?" I asked for the millionth time.

"No no. I could do this." She groaned pushing up. "Just watch." She groaned and pushed again not even moving the mattress from it's spot. "Almost there." She pushed again. "To where? The fourth step?" She sighed and let go of the mattress making it slide off towards her knocking her down to the floor. She laid there tired of all the energy she used up. I walked over to her leaning over her and looking down at her.

"How about we just wait until my dad get's home?" She groaned and just nodded her head as I walked to the kitchen stepping over her.

The fact that my own father loved Lauren more than me was...weird. I always knew he wanted a son but it never happened. The two of them would always watch basketball or baseball together every night after dinner. They would always talk about stuff I didn't understand. He even bought a basketball portable system so they could play against each other outside.

It was weird it felt like Lauren and I were dating or even worst married. Having Emily, sharing a room, and now sleep in the same bed. We just didn't act like it, we were more like "enemies" of some sort.

My dad ended up pushing the mattress up by himself. Lauren swore she helped but all he did was take off the plastic once it was in our room.

There was no way getting out of sleeping with Lauren now. I feel like if she opens her eyes during the night the green in her eyes would glow and light up the whole room. They were really green.

The bed was roomy but we each slept on the edge as faraway from each other as possible with our backs towards each other too.

The night after that Lauren laid on her back while I still slept on my side facing away from her. Lauren turned away from me and took the blankets with her pulling them away from me.

I turned and pulled them away to cover myself. A minute later I feel Lauren scoot to my side. I still had my back towards her. I feel her ass against mine and she then farts. SHE FARTED ON MY ASS!!!!!! She them scoots back over to her side giggling to herself. I turned and slide my foot against her back and pushed her off the bed.

She didn't do a thing to me after.

"Lauren, Emily is running out of dippers" I asked as I walked up to her in the living room. I had jus changed Emily when I noticed only five dippers left.

"Then go buy some." She asked sticking her hand back into her bag of chips as she watched a baseball game.

"No you have to come with me!!"

"Let me finish my chips first." She said as she brought a chip to her mouth in slowmotion. I took away her chips a spit inside them I closed the bag and shook it around. I handed them back to her as she stared at me in shock.

We got to the store and picked up some chips for Lauren as well since I ruined her other ones. We were waiting in line to pay when than old Lady infront us says "Aaaw what a cute little baby and a cute little family" she said in her little old lady voice. We thanked her not wanting to explain our situation. When we reached the cash register we were met with a really cute clerk. His name tag said Austin. He smiled at us "What a nice family you got there." He said towards me. "Oh no, were not together." I said pointing between Lauren and I. Lauren shook her head rapidly."Oh well then I guess it won't be a problem if I asked for your number." He asked nicely. He saw really cute with his blue eyes and brown hair. I smiled and nodded my head. "No I don't see a problem there." He handed me his phone for me put my number in. He texted me so I could have his number aswell. I turned to my right towards Lauren but she was already waiting for me at the exit with the stroller and bags in hand.

"Can you flirt any slower?" She she said annoyed as I walked towards her.

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