Ch. 47 (Last Chapter)

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1 year later

If your wondering if Lauren and I ever had sex, then yes. Yes we did. And a lot. And if your wondering if she was any good, then yes. Yes, she definitely was.

Of course Lauren couldn't keep her hands off me when she saw me in a bikini the week we got back from LA.

A lot has happened since then.

When we arrived to Miami from LA we were considering what Ally suggested. I still thought it was too early for us to think about marriage just to adopt Emily. I mean there's no rush.

A few weeks after Clara flew out here without telling anyone. Lauren's dad was worried and scared, Clara didn't know where we lived. But for some reason she ended up at our door step asking Lauren for forgivnes.

Lauren actually forgave her and since then her and her mom have been really close. Clara accepted Lauren's sexuality and agreed with me about us being a really hot couple. I like Clara.

My parents took Clara out with Emily for dinner to talk about old people stuff. That was actually the night Lauren and I first had... And after that our relationship took a turn for the best.

After Clara left Lauren wanted to renew her self. She got a part time job at a gift shop and decided to go into college.

I on the other hand just stayed home to take care of Emily.

We had thought about the adoption and marriage stuff but we doubt my dad would agree. Especially after what happened a few months ago. On our one year anniversary, Lauren and I got drunk and got arrested for streaking. It was both of our first time drinking of course something crazy was going to go down.

My dad once again told us that speech about us not being responsible.

Anyways we're not getting married or taking any important decisions any time soon. I know I know, How can these two be in charge of a one year old?

Well, my parents asked themselves that same question. But because Lauren was taking up more responsibilities they preyed for us and hoped for the best. But of course my mom took care if Emily more often.

Normally, their ship name I came up with, flew out to visit again. They wanted to reach out to Dinah,their other friend, but they found out she was a rising star. She apparently had a concert coming up so of course we would be going.

Ay maybe she could get me some tickets to see Fifth Harmony. So yeah that's my story with tattooed girlfriend. I can't say we lived happily ever after because we're barley starting our life together. But I can say we will never forget the one person that brought us together.

We hate that something so tragic had to happen for us to meet each other but we are truly grateful. Not only did she bring us together but she trusted us enough yo leave her beautiful daughter with us.

Even though Emily doesn't understand us yet but we still tell her stories about her mom and for some reason Emily laughs with us when ever we tell embarrassing stories about her. We will always remind her how amazing her mom was, and hopefully one day she can be as amazing as her.


A/N: Oh and my name is Jocelyn, but call me Daddy!!!!.....just kidding don't....unless you want to...

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