Ch. 38

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It was getting pretty late, but the party was still going on. My family parties usually go past midnight with everyone dancing. No one hasn't really left, my drunk uncles had began to dance and my mom thought it was a good time to leave before they got out of control. We walked inside to find my aunt Teresa. She was in the kitchen putting the left over food away.

"Teresa were leaving." My mom's older sister turned around and hugged us good bye. I walked out with Lauren and Emily to the front porch to wait for my mom while she talked to my aunt.

"Wow your families parties are the best, I haven't dances like that in a while." I smiled remembering how Lauren spent most of the time dancing with my mom, grandma, and a couple of my aunts. Yeah I only danced to one song with her. It was too much.

"Karla, how you been?" I looked behind Lauren to see my cousin Allyson, her and her family were visiting from California, maybe that's why they did the party today. I never liked her, I don't know it was something about her. She was the 'holy' one of her family. In front of them she was the perfect daughter but when they weren't watching she was a different person.

"Oh hello Allyson." Lauren looked shocked staring at me with wide eyes, but she didn't turn around.

"Cute baby. Whose this?" She looked at the back of Lauren's head.

"This is Lauren" Lauren turned around and I saw Allyson tense up and stared at Lauren with wide eyes. "my girlfriend" Allyson put on a fake smile I felt Lauren hold my hand tightly.


"Ally" Lauren said with no emotion.

"Nice to meet you." Allyson said.

"Oh don't play stupid Ally!" Lauren raised her voice. What. Is. Going. On.

"Lauren, look I said I'm sorry that was three years ago. Can't you just forget it?" Allyson said back calmly. I saw a dark skinned girl walking up to Allyson from behind.

"Forget it? Ally I lost my two best friends because of you and-"

"Babe are you ready to....oh Lauren. What are you doing here?" The dark skinned girl said. She put an arm around Allyson's waist. I saw Lauren glance down at her hand where a ring was.

"Leaving." Lauren tugged on my arm and walked ahead of me with her head hung. I speed walked to catch up to her trying to be careful with Emily.

"Lauren what was all that about?" Lauren stopped and turned to me one hand on her waist and the other on her forehead.

"That's her." She sounded like she was about to cry. "That's Ally and Normani. My ex girlfriend and ex best friend." Oh . Wait, my cousin is my girlfriends ex girlfriend that cheated on her with her best friend? Small World.

"Camila what are they doing here? Why didn't you tell me Ally was related to you? Out of all the families she had to be related to you. Ughhh....... She was wearing an engagement ring." She whispered the last part. I think Lauren could burst out crying any minute now. Does she still have feelings for her? She said she was special to her, but she's marrying that one chic.

"Lauren are you ok?" Lauren shook her head letting a tear fall down. She let her arms fall to her sides.

"No." Lauren went up to me and tried to give me a hug with Emily in between us. She rested her head on my shoulder and put one arm around my waist and the other on the arm that held up Emily, I heard her sniffle. I felt weird having Lauren crying over another girl, but I still care about her. She pulled back and put both arms around my waist.

"Babe, I'm sorry. I don't want you to think that I'm crying over her. I was just shocked to see them again." She leaned in to peck my lips and gave Emily a kiss on her head. She hugged me again breathing in deeply.

My mom finally came out with my dad carrying a trey probably of the left over cake. Lauren wiped her tears and smiled. We all got in and I saw Lauren staring out the window.

How could someone hurt such a great person like Lauren.

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