Ch. 30

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I walked down stairs and finally saw my lovely family eating lunch. Yes, lunch.

"Good morning Familia." I said happily. I gave my parents a kiss and Emily a big kiss on her forehead and checks.

"Morning mija how was your weekend?" My dad said as he bit into his sandwich.

"Uhh it was...interesting how was yours at grandmas?" I sat down next to Emily's high chair to feed her.

"Really great actually hopefully you and Lauren can join us this weekend. Grandma's been asking about you two." My mom nodded and looked at me.

"Mhm she wants to meet Lauren. We told her about..her appearance. And she says she needs to meet her, maybe to throw holly water at her or something." I laughed my grandma is very catholic she's always saying she's going to throw holy water at me if I ever did something bad.

"I can imagine that." I started to eat my sandwich that my mom made for me, when I remembered what Lauren was up to.

"Mom, dad, uhh....Lauren and I have something to ...share with you." They furrowed their eye brows and looked at each other.

"Well where's Lauren? Shouldn't she be here to?"

"She's not here, but we'll tell you dinner." I was nervous to tell them about our relationship. I mean yeah my parents love her but as Lauren, Ana's cousin. How will they react to Lauern, my girlfriend the girl I almost had sex with last night.

"Ookkk then. So where is Lauren?"

"She's out looking for a job" My dad looked up looking confused.

"Why? She has one million dollars in the bank for crying out loud."

"Yeah, but she wanted to to something instead of just staying here all day." I shrugged. My dad nodded his head and smirked.

"I like that girl, hard worker. Mila you should date someone like Lauren, not those idiots you bring home." I faked a chuckle. Hopefully he'll still say that later on.

"Oh Alex, remember Kayla? The girl that played basketball." My asked my dad giggling.

"Oh yeah. She was the worst, really rude and just plain dumb. You have some really weird taste mija." My dad said as my mom nodded.

"You know what, why don't you ask Lauren on a date? Oh Alex wouldn't it be so cute if those two were a couple?" My said overly excited turning to fully face my dad.

"Uhhh....I didn't mean it literally Sinu" My dad looked between my mom and I nervousley.

"Oh come on Alex, they already look like a couple. Actually more like a family with Emily."

"OKAY!! I need to get some stuff that's far away form here. Oh don't forget about dinner!" I got up from my seat and headed upstairs.

Would my dad approve of Lauren? I know my mom will she practically wants it to happen.


"Hey babe." Lauren walked out the door that led to the back yard where Emily sat on my lap as I sat on the lawn chair.

"Hey." She pecked my lips and kissed Emily's head. She pulled the other chair closer fir her to sit on.

"How was the job hunting?" She leaned back on sighed as she closed her eyes.

"Good, I got a job at the pizza place we went to."

"Oh the one where..Jessica works?" Not her again.

"Yeah she was actually the one that helped me get it. I start tomorrow as a busboy well busgirl. Jess says that's where all the newbies start at. That soon I'll get promoted to something less...nasty."

"Welll that's...just..grreaaattt." Not really.

"Babe, your my girlfriend, I don't care about no one else but you and Emily. Jess is happily in love anyways. No needs to worry. All of yours." She waved a hand all over her body. I chuckled at her sense of humor. I don't what to get in the way of want Lauren wants. I guess I'll just have to trust her on this.

"Ok. I trust you." She leaned and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"Oh and I told my parents we have something to tell them at dinner. Hopefully they approve of us together."

"Camzi..." Lauren reached out to hold my hand. "They will approve. And I'm not just saying that because they love me."

She leaned back in her chair as I laughed. She swears my parents love her more then they love me. "Lauren stop being so cocky. I don't know if they'll be too fond of Lauren my girlfriend."

"Oh I know Lauren your girlfriend and I'm pretty sure she is lovable." I smiled at her as she caressed Emily's tiny hair.

"We'll see."

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