Ch. 35

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You know those family members that you have but you just don't like? Yeah I have a lot of those. They're the gossipers, well my whole family is filled of gossipers. They criticize every little thing about you. If you place too much food on your plate they say you only went to the party for the food. If you place a normal amount but go for seconds, your a fat ass. Even the things you wear, my family jut can't mind there own business. That's why I never liked going to these family parties, if I do I just stay with my mom at a table and watch everyone else dance and stuff. That's why I'm kinda nervous to introduce Lauren to my family, they might say stuff about her and humiliate her in front of everyone. I've been trying to stay cool around Lauren so she wouldn't suspect my nervousness, she's already really nervous as it is. It's already Friday, the party is tomorrow, where the heck did the week go?

I was watching Lauren eat her chicken, she just got back from work, it's not that late or that early, but I know she's tired and would go straight to sleep.

"What are you thinking about babe?" Lauren's voice cut my train of thought.

"Nothing. Do you want more?" Lauren shook her head no, I picked up her plate and washed it in the sink. I felt Lauren's hands slide around my waist. She kissed my shoulder and made her way up to my jaw.

I giggled when Lauren started to tickle my sides. I pulled away from her and stood in front of her with my hands up guarding so she wont get near me.

"Ok Ok I wont do it again. I promise, come her babe." Lauren wrapped her arms around my waist again and went to put her fingers around my belt loops bringing our bodies together. I wrapped my arms around her neck and hid my face in her neck taking in her wonderful smell.

I felt Lauren tightly hug my torso and moved her hand up and down over my back. I felt Lauren kiss my shoulder and my neck, I placed small kiss on her neck and jaw. Lauren ran her fingers through my hair.

"I love you" She whispered in my ear. I felt shivers through my whole body with just those three words. I pulled back a little just to see her face. I smiled wide at her and leaned to brush our lips together.

"I love you too" I murmured on her lips. I gave her a soft kiss which turned into a full make out session. Lauren carried me up the stairs bridal style to our room, while pecking my lips.

She laid me down on our bed softly as she laid on top hovering over me. We continued our make out session. I had an arm around her neck and the other caressing her check. I pulled Lauren closer and put my fingers through her belt loops on each side. I thrusted my hips up to meet hers. She put one leg between mine and put more pressure on our centers rocking into me. I gasped every time she thrusted.

"Lauren.." I moaned out she stuck her head in my neck breathing heavily. I moved my hands to tangle in her hair tightening my grip with every thrust. The bed began to squeak with every thrust. And since neither of us noticed that we weren't alone, we continued. Until a babies crying made us separate I groaned and Lauren punch the mattres.

"Damit! Everytime!" She got up, shook her body, wiped her face and picked up Emily rocking her in her arms.

I sat up and watched as I tried to calm my breathing. Emily went back to sleep and was placed in her crib.

Lauren walked back over to the bed and dropped on the mattress groaning. I got up and changed while she did the same. I laid back down next her under the sheets, I turned my body to the side, Lauren spooning me from behind. She put an arm around my waist as I put my hand over hers.

"Next time babe." I murmured to her all she did was groan in response.


Lauren and I were eating cereal in the kitchen, we would steel glances at each other, like always. My mom was making my dad an omlet. My dad walked in and sat at the front of the table which was right between Lauren and I. He sighed and my mom placed his omelet in front of him. He took his first bite and sighed again.

"Dad whats wrong? Why do you keep going like this" I sighed deeply to show him what I'm talking about.

"Well daughter of mine, I didn't get to enjoy my novela last night because I kept hearing noises coming from down the hall." He looked at me with raised eye brows and a stern face.

I turned to Lauren and saw she had wide eyes looking back between my dad and I.

"Oh... probably mice." I chuckled nervously.

"Yeah...I don't think mice make those types of sounds." I said shaking his head and said it as if he were deep in thought.

"What do you think Lauren?" He turned to Lauren who was too shocked to talk.

"Uhh... I'M SORRY SHE MADE ME DO IT!!!" Lauren said standing up and pointed at me. I gasped and stood up as well.


"AND YOU ENJOYED IT!!!" Lauren sat back down when she noticed what she said. My dad cleared his throat nervously.

"I thought you two were old enough to keep your hormones in check, but I guess I was wrong. Lauren you will be staying in the spare room across the hall. While you were at work I took the time to clear it out. You will stay there from this point on." Lauren looked at me with sad eyes. Who will cuddle with me? Who's going to be my big spoon? Who's going to get up and calm down Emily when she cries?

The three of us went back to eat in silence. We only have a couple hours left until we have to start getting ready for the stupid party. I'm guessing we'll spend the time moving Lauren's stuff into her new room.

Why did we have to get all horny?

Oh No! Now it's going to be harder to do it with Lauren!


A/N: Sinu's response to Camila about not getting a star cracked me up 😂🌟

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