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Before you read, how bout you check out my YouTube channel which will be coming soon, around Christmas time. The external link will take you right there....I hope...

Today is the day that Yoongi was going to tell them. For the past four years, he had known that he a little. He was scared at first. He knew people would think that he was a freak. That's all they ever think. But he had been with these boys for the longest time.

They were his best friends. Well all of them except from Jimin. Jimin was the only person in the entire world that made his heart skip beats. The only person that made him feel like a whipped school boy.

And he didn't even know it.

Yoongi was pretty sure that Jimin had a crush on Jungkook. He didn't want to get in the way of Jimin's happiness. If anything that is the one thing he wanted more than anything. For Jimin to be happy. Also for Jimin to be his caregiver but that was his selfish desire. The one thing that he knew would probably never happen, even if he asked Jimin.

He had been gathering up the courage to tell the members for a few weeks now. He had planned an entire explanation in his head. He was sure he could answer all the questions that came his way.

He was sure that they would accept him for who he was and if they didn't then that was their problem. A least that is what he told himself.

So, as they all gathered for a movie, Yoongi thought it would be the perfect time for him to tell everyone his little secret. He was sure that once the movies where finished he would tell them.

"Lets watch a comedy!" Jungkook shouted as he plopped on the couch. Tae followed, landing on his lap. The two 'best friends' were apparently really close but everyone knew that it was more than that.

Jimin was glaring at the back of Taehyungs head, clearly jealous. Yoongi's heart ached. A feeling he had grown accustomed to whenever he was around Jungkook and Jimin. This was one of the things that Little Yoongi never had to care about. The thought of entering the headspace made him want to do it but he knew he couldnt.

Not yet.

Eventually all the members were facing the tv, watching a comedy. It was quite funny but Yoongi wanted it to end quickly. Eventually it did. Then another movie was put on, then another, and another.

Eventually, i lost hope in telling them that night.

"One more movie guys, how about a horror film," Jimin offered with a smirk. Everyone knew that Jungkook was petrified of horror films and with Tae asleep, Jimin would be the closest thing to comfort. It made Yoongi's heart hurt even more.

"OK" Hobie said before sliding in the DVD of 'It' into the DVD player. Jungkook was already leaning towards Jimin. Yoongi's eyes couldn't leave the sight but it hurt to look.  Eventually he turned his face to the movie.  

Horror movies never triggered him because he knew it wasn't real. He could tell that it was affecting Jungkook though.

Halfway through the movie Jungkook whimpered for the hundreth time.

"Kookie scawed,"

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