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3 days later


To say Yoongi had a changed was an understatement. He had take a complete spin in everything about him.

He was now reserved and blocked out everyone. He only tried to talk to Tae who tended to ignore him, especially when Jungkook was around.

He would receive a look of pity from Jungkook. He hated it.

I if he did answer his poo
Yoongi was in no way cold hearted, he was just quiet and preferred talking to his band mates. He loved them an saw the beauty in each an every one of them.

Now that beauty was blocked out by the mean voices in his head. They would never say anything nice about him.

If he wanted to eat.

Jungkook wouldn't eat that.

If he wanted to watch a comedy.

Jungkook wouldn't think that joke was funny.

Everything he thought or did revolved around Jungkook. He would work out just as much, eat way less. Even then the voices would come back telling him that he would never be good enough.

They wouldn't let him regress either. They would horde his mind with thoughts telling him that he wasn't good enough to regress or cute enough.

He believed every word.

It had only been a week and everything was going down hill.

The problem was that people were only recognising his failure.


Yoongi's POV

Life is all kinds of sour. Nowadays I can hardly sleep. The voices tell me to do things to myself and I have to block them out. I couldn't.

You can.

I block it out once again. Brushing my brown hair out of my face. I wore ripped blue jeans and a black hoodie matching my black Nike shoes.

I walked towards the kitchen as I heard my stomach rumble. I hadn't eaten in a few days because of you know what so most meal times were spent in my room.

To my surprise the voices didn't say anything. I took the chance and scared down a load of pancakes.

"Slow down yoongs, you might just add some unneeded pounds if you keep at it!" J-hope joked.

I didn't take it as a joke, especially not when everyone around the table laughed with him. I gave them a weak smile before pushing the plate away from in front of me.

I told you that you don't need meals. They just make you fat.

A single tear dropped down but I cleaned it before anyone else could see it.

"Guys, it's not that funny!" Jungkook smiled at them I could see the worry in his eyes when he looked at me.

"Oh, come in kook, we are just joking around, lighten up" Hoseok smiled.

Jungkook us so kind looking, sticking up for the fat boy.

I blinked back the tears and waited for the rest of the boys to finish. I didn't want to eat and embarrass myself anymore.

Once they all finished, we all got I to the van and went of to dance practice.

It was clear that Tae and Kook had because of their happy chatting. It made Yoongi smile that his friend was finally happy.

I frowned remembering that Jungkook is the cause of most of my problems. Tae hardly talked to me because he was too busy looking after Jungkook, even though the younger hadn't been in little space  during these three days.

He looked forward seeing Jimin glare at the pair. No matter what happened Jimin would never see me the way I wanted him to.

The van stopped in front of the Bighit building. All the boys made their way to the dance studio.


Half way through 'Fake Love' I sprained my foot. It hurt a lot but I just continued dancing. If I stopped then I wouldn't be pulling my weight.

The pain got worse and worse, slowing my movements. The song finally finished and I limped over to a corner in the dance studio.

I stared at everyone around me. Nobody seemed to notice my disappearance. They were all talking in a big group as they caught their breathe.

Like a big family that you will never truly be a part of.

I try to ignore it but I can't. I feel hot tears roll down my eyes. They keep coming and coming but I can't do shit about it.

Everybody continues onto practicing 'Anpanman'. They were doing it perfectly fine without me. Nobody seemed to notice my disappearance.

It made me slip into a place I hated more than anything. I was in the middle of little and big space. Everything was so confusing.

It came to Jungkook's part when he slipped and fell. He also sprained his leg. He instantly slipped into little space.

'' owie, it huwts,'' he cries.

Everybody crowded around him trying to comfort the boy. He eventually calms down. Cuddling into Jin.

'' I think we should go home, '' Namjoon suggests. All the boys, except me, pile out and go back into the van.

As I tries to limp to the van door shuts and it speeds of, leaving me on the sidewalk in the night.

I guess I will have to stay in the studio tonight.


I am spoiling you guys.

I hope you liked this chapter.

Love y'all 😘😘

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