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Winner: Seungwan

(In this book there isn't such a thing as BT21 )

Finding a stuffie was easy, only a couple minutes of driving led her to a little shopping mall. She quickly parked her car before running into the shops, looking for a toy shop. It was kinda cute and had a lot of teddy bears and Disney toys.

Looking for a toy was harder than finding this place. She wanted it to be perfect for Yoonie so she continued searching. Everything was in this place, but just not what she was looking for, she wanted something that would make him feel loved and appreciated, something that he hadn't been receiving for a while.

After a couple more minutes she finally found it, it was a massive cookie with a crooked eyebrow and a cute smile. It looked like exactly what Yoongi would love. When she touched it, it was so incredibly soft and fluffy.

She had finally found what she had been looking for all this while. It was beautiful.Quicky, doctor Seungwan picked up the massive toy before taking it over to the cashier. The woman at the till smiled at her brightly, scanning the item before saying, " Is this for your kid,"

" Yeah, it is,"

She wasn't completely lying, Yoongi was like a son to her if she was ten years or so older."He must be a really good boy if he could get such an expensive toy," The cashier smiles at her.

"Expensive," Seungwan never really paid attention to the price tag because she was so excited to get something for the little baby that was in her office.

"Yeah, your total comes to W125,230,"Seungwan almost collapsed at the price, she wouldn't be able to buy it for him until next week when she got her fat paycheck from bighit.

"I think I will get this later then, I didn't realise it would be so expensive," She smiles before returning the toy back where she found it. Before she continues her plushy hunt she takes a quick picture of the one she wanted to buy Yoongi originally.

If he saw it he would kill her from all his cuteness. She couldn't wait, in the meanwhile, she got a cute teddy bear for him (that she could afford).

She went back to her car and went back to work.

It was now around 10 am, and the boys would have probably already started a while ago, she really hoped that Yoongi was still in bed because even though his foot injury wasn't as bad as they thought, the ointment she gave him would need a few more hours to make the pain reduce.

She finally walked int her office, relieved to see, Yoongi still in the bed cuddling up to the blankets, his face was so cute that Seungwan couldn't help but take a picture. Ok maybe she took a couple.

Or maybe she took a truckload....we will never know.

She slowly woke him up, he rubbed his eyes with his tiny fists and looked up at her."Hewwo eomma," he says cutely.

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