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To say the least, Yoongi was surprised to see Taehyung around, it was kinda late and there wasn't really anything going on at this time of the day. So they stood like that for a couple of seconds before Yoongi decided to talk.

"Um, hi, what are you doing here?" He asked slowly as he watched the tall boy carefully.

"I came to pick you up, everybody is really worried about you," Yoongi almost wanted to laugh at that. They care about him, a long time ago when he wasn't as self-loving as when Seungwan entered his life personally, he would have felt something such as remorse for making the poor boys worried.

But now all he felt was sick. The boy still loved his bandmates but he knew when something was just too much.

Rather than commenting on that part, he just nodded and started to walk towards the car park. It was quite chilly outside, and the loose shirt he was wearing wasn't really helping out.

He quickly entered the familiar Hyundai and held the bag to his arms to his chest, tightly. He waited for Taehyung to enter the car before he just stared out of the car, clearing his mind.Eventually, Taehyung started the car and drove off towards the dorm.

One too many times Taehyung tried to start s conversation which Yoongi either ignored or answered with a "yes" or "no". He would just continue with his one-man game of eye-spy.

After a while, they eventually got home, Yoongi quickly ran to his room leaving Taehyung in a daze. What had happened to their friendship? There was a time they could talk about everything and anything. Now they were complete strangers.

It made small tears grow at the bottom of Taehyungs eyes. He quickly wiped them away before entering the dorm.

All the boys were silent, looking towards the stairs until the front door slammed shut.

After that everything almost went back to normal. Jungkook slipped and was playing with almost all his toys. He was quite happy as 2 of his hyungs were giving him all their attention.

By the time it was bedtime. Jungkook had already cleaned up his mess and the living room was looking cleaner than usual. The boys cooed in awe as they saw their little boy on the sofa, looking so cute as he was almost asleep.

"Awww, he tried so hard, this is the first time he has cleaned up all his toys so let's get him something special," Seokjin cooed as he watched the boy rocking his head back and forward, trying not to sleep.

"Yeah, Jin and Hoseok should get him ready for bed, Jimin and Taehyung, you guys should find something special for him," Namjoon instructed everyone, before making his way into his room to continue his writing.

Everyone got to work, each doing the task they were assigned.

Taehyung and Jimin made their way to the car, thinking.

What could they get for their special Kookie?



So I have been on break for like this week, I wanted to write but I had to help at this outreach to give medicinal care to poor people in my country and I also had to prepare a monologue for a program.

So overall this life is hectic.

Anyway, anyone who is confused about the plot should comment and tell me so I will give a "so-far explanation" of the story.....so far.

Also, Seungwan is actually so pretty like, who blessed this child????

Anywho loves ya!!!!! <3 <3

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