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The house was surprisingly quiet for the Bangtan dorm, making Yoongi a little bit uncomfortable. He washed that feeling away, deciding he should probably get ready for the day ahead.

He went through his normal morning routine, deciding that a nice, black tee and ripped, black jeans would do.

He ran down the stairs, making his way towards the door, as he usually does when he remembered that he had to confront the members today. He slowly walked to the open plan kitchen.

He was slightly surprised. Not at the fact that all the members were there in their usual places but at the fact that they were all looking at him with stone cold faces.

"Yoongi, we need to talk," Jin says monotone. If this was 6 months ago Yoongi would have probably melted in his boots but not today not ever again.

"You are right, we do need to talk," He says but in a cold icy tone that he was surprised even he could pull off.

The other members were surprised by the ice in his tone but quickly recovered.

"Please take a seat," Namjoon says in his 'you better listen to me because if you don't I will bite you' tone. Just as before Yoongi sent a cold glare but didn't sit down he just crossed his arms and looked forward.

"I think I will stay right where I am, I don't plan on staying long, my dearest dongsaeng," He says smiling but his words are filled with venom, as he puts Namjoon in his place.

All the members were getting more and more surprises in this short convo. Namjoon was visibly angry but could do nothing because he still had to show respect even if he was the leader.

"Anyway," Jin says trying to break the obvious tension, " We heard what you did to Jungkook, why would you shout and scare him like that?"

Yoongi wanted to let out a laugh but he didn't he just continued glaring at the boys, thinking carefully about how to word his reply.

"Jungkook? I didn't scare Jungkook, I think Jimin was more freaked out than JK was." Yoongi replies as he decides to pick up an apple from the fruit basket.

" You know what you did, Yoongi. Jungkook can't remember for obvious reasons but we believe Jimin!" Namjoon shouts at Yoongi.

This time Yoongi did let out a laugh a cold and icy one.

" Ah, you guys crack me up. Me and you both know that anything done against Jungkook will be doubled in size when it comes out of Jimin's mouth, he is after all infatuated with the kid, even though he says he loves him," He says before taking a bite out of the apple in his hand, the sweet taste being choked by all the bitterness he feels.

He watches Taehyung tense at this, making him feel a little bit of pain in his hear but he ignores it.

"Now you listen to me young man-" SeokJin starts but Yoongi doesn't let the guy finish.

"No, you listen to me, or is that too hard for you, actually caring about what I have to say? If so let me make it short and simple." He screams at the members.

"I am sick and tired of you guys treating me like dirt, do you actually know what happened yesterday between me and Jimin? NO? I didn't think so. Y'all don't even care if I make it home safely. You locked the doors on me when I was injured and I don't even bother trying to go places with you, anymore!"

"That night we had the movie night and found out Jungkook was a little I was going to reveal that I had been a little for years! Call me a fucking attention seeker according to Jimin or whatever the fuck you want! I'm tired of y'all and I don't plan on changing for you, if you guys hate me now that is your problem," He is out of breath by the end of the speech, his apple had reached the ground and was smashed all over the ground.

The members stood up and he took a step back he just wanted to cuddle with his dragon and Seungwan and wish his bad luck away.

He was about to walk away when he heard his name being called by one of the members behind him.

"Yoongi, please," Jin whispers, " We didn't know we are so so sorry,"

Yoongi lets out another laugh catching the members by surprise.

"Let me ask you a question, if you guys never found out all the things I just revealed to you and I had said something way less painful, would you still accept me?" He asks.

" Yes, of course,"'

" Definitely,



"You know we would,"

He looked back out of all of them Jimin hadn't given an answer, still frozen at what Yoongi had said. It hurt a little but he just pushed it out of the way.

" OK, then," Yoongi says, " But I want you to know that you will not have anything to do with my little space for a long time, frankly even if I am beginning to forgive you it will take way longer to trust you,"

All the members understood perfectly, not wanting to try and push anything on the boy. They all understood that they had royally fucked up.

"Anyway, I will be off, gotta go see someone," He says.

"Wait," Namjoon says, making the older boy stop in his tracks, "Who looks after you in little space?"

All the members expected him to say 'no one' except Jimin.

"Its that doctor lady isn't it," Jimin asked finally putting the pieces together.

Yoongi just nodded and made his way to the door. Even he acted all rough and tough in the confrontation he was actually really happy that the members were ready to change.

" Let me take you," Taehyung says from the back.

Yoongi just nods and walks out the door waiting for Taehyung by the black Hyundai. Eventually, he came out in the same outfit but with crocodile crocks on.

This kid.

Yoongi smiles to himself as he enters the car.

"Cute crocks," Yoongi teased him.

Taehyung pouted at him. " Don't you dare tease me, Yoongs,"

Yoongi laughed at him and looked out the window. He watched the trees as they passed the many houses.

"Taehyung," the other boy looked at him, " I want you to know that I don't blame you,"

"I know the trouble that you go through with peer pressure and having a little. You know that we are still besties right?"

Taehyung smiled at the boy and nodded his head, continuing to look at the road.

For once in a long time, Yoongi felt happy around one of his bandmates.

"Besties forever"


Welp that was quite long wasn't it.

I wasn't going to update for a couple of days but y'all were asking so I provided.

Should I start that YouTube channel I was talking about? If so what should my content be about?

Can we talk about how cute this child is? Her (sorry if I assumed wrong) comments thread made me laugh so hard!

Can we talk about how cute this child is? Her (sorry if I assumed wrong) comments thread made me laugh so hard!

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