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First things first, thank you all for being so wonderful and also for getting me to 500 reads so early in this book! In my first ever Wattpad completed book it took me about 15 chapters before I felt confident in the number of reads!

Anyway I hope you like this chapter (A little bit of little Yoonie)


The question made him stay in his place for a second. How the hell was he supposed to answer that? he could, of course, tell her the truth,  the truth that included the voices and the members maltreating him, making him feel worthless and

the truth where he was to blame and the members were only trying to slowly let him go because they were finally seeing him for the slacking shit that he was.

He looked back at the woman, he saw eyes he could trust and so decided he would tell her everything.

"Before we debuted, I became really close with Taehyung and I thought it would be that way for a while, but of course, situations change and people change along with them," He thinks about the painful memories of just a few weeks ago.

"Yoongi, you can tell me anything, you know that right?" She smiled sadly to him.  

He fell into a big heap on the clinic floor. He was a complete mess, he thought as his body shook uncontrollably, all he wanted was to loose some that massive weight that was constantly on his shoulders.

He continued telling the woman everything as she engulfed him in a massive hug. He told her about Jimin and Jungkook and about Taehyung. 

He told her about how he loved how Jimin swooshed his hair and how he found the younger boy's addiction to alcohol quite funny, even though he was always worried that he might poison himself.

He told her how he was pretty sure that the boys were in their way to kicking him out and that he was ok with that because he knew he truly didn't deserve any happiness. He even told her about Yoonie and how he hadn't properly been in little space for a while.

"All I want is a nice life, I love our fans I really do but if for a single day I could erase it all and start over I would...In a heartbeat." He says shamefully. 

The idol life wasn't easy, especially when you go through rough patches.

The doctor's eyes hardened and in all honesty, it scared Yoongi. 

" We need to alert Bang PD of this situation so e can clear this all up, ok? " She smiled hopefully at him. 

"No, there is no need, I want to handle it myself, I don't want to get them in trouble, I promise, I will fix it today at practice"

The doctor looked at him with pity.

"You are too precious for the world, how could those mean people treat such an angel like this?" Yoongi blushed at the compliment, feeling a little bit tired and little. He had just woken up but all the crying was wearing him out.

"Tiwed, wanna sweep" He mutters to the doctor, rubbing his eyes with his tiny fists. 

"Let's get you to a comfortable bed, little one,"  She helps him to one of the furthest beds and helps him lie down. " Do you have a stuffie I can get you?" 

He shook his head, muttering something about "stuffies are for good boys"

She waited for a little longer for him to finally drift off before she started to arrange her things.

She had a mission.

To get Min Yoongi the best stuffie the world has ever seen!


Hi everyone, yes I have done two chapters in one day.

I know it can't make up for the weeks of neglect but I hope you liked them! 

Please help me by choosing one of these names for the doctor, i know that a lot of you are part of multiple fandoms, if you think none of them can take the role, then you should suggest another name.

Im Nayeon

Jennie Kim

Son Seungwan

I find that its easier if I don't include the link so i can add more people:










Love ya'll!!! :)

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