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2 weeks later

Things had returned vaguely close to how they used to - considering the fact that his little space was still a touchy subject. During this short time period, he had grown close once again to his bandmates, even Jimin.

In this same time period, it seemed Jimin's crush had reduced. He no longer cared about what was going on with Jungkook and Taehyung. He actually couldn't care less. He had finally accepted the fact that Jungkook and he weren't meant to be.

This, of course, made Yoongi very, very happy and Taehyung very very relieved. In all actuallity, the group had now lost all the divides they had on their relationship.

If they ignored the little space part.

Maybe just maybe that would change today...


The boys had a fan meet in Busan so they had to get ready the day before to get there on time. They were going to take their private jet so everybody was excited, Jungkook and Jimin more so. They were speaking their dialect all day making Yoongi slightly annoyed when he didn't completely understand everything they said.

Eventually, he went to his bedroom to pack for the incredibly short trip.

He picked out a pastel blue sweater with kumamon in the middle and black jeans for the meet and greet. He only packed 3 pairs of underwear because the trip was only two days long. The one extra was in case something went wrong with the other two.

Don't ask...

He put it in a small black suitcase and left it in the corner of his room for the afternoon. The rest of the time was spent lying on his bed playing terribly made games and reading cringey mangas.

When did his life come to this...

After Zayne beat up Norman, Yoongi had, had enough of this and decided to get something to eat since he had missed breakfast.

He went downstairs to find nobody in the kitchen. Yoongi decided that a small apple and a massive banana would be enough. He ate the apple first enjoying the sweet taste linger on his tongue. Once he finished he decided to go onto the banana.

He ate half of it when Jimin suddenly walked into the room. His mouth was still on the banana so he took a quick bite and swallowed the massive lump. He regretted this greatly when he felt the banana just chill in a strange part of his stomach.

He looked up at Jimin who was frozen in place at what he just witnessed. Jimin did not give Yoongi a chance to greet him before he ran to his room at full speed. Yoongi, of course, could not understand why he was acting so weird when all he was doing was eating a banana.

He threw the rest of the banana away because he was quite sure he couldn't eat anything until the banana in his throat took its leave.

He pondered on the reason Jimin had acted so weird, thinking of every detail that could possibly lead to such a weird departure.

Eating = mouth

Banana = ...

Oh no. Yoongi almost fell down the stairs realising what he had done. From anyone's perspective, Yoongi was deepthroating that banana. It looked like more than half of it was in his mouth because of the amount he had already eaten.

His entire body flushed red. He had to tell Taehyung before his death would not allow him to do so. Embarrassment being the cause of course.

He ran into the room, surprised Jungkook wasn't here since both of them were literally inseparable. It was quite cute but Yoongi was thankful that he wasn't here at the moment. What he needed to say was regarded as more important than seeing his bandmates cuddling.

"Taehyung, I need to tell you this before I die," He screams out.

At first, Taehyung looked worried but eventually realised that Yoongi was not in any way harmed. He nodded to signal Yoongi to start talking.

Yoongi explained everything that happened to himself. By the end of it, Taehyung was about to burst out laughing but decided against it when his friend looked like they wanted to die.

"Um...well...I... I actually don't know how I am supposed to help you out..."

"What do I do....." Yoongi asked worriedly. He really didn't want to push Jimin away but he was so embarrassed.

"He clearly has some sort of feeling for you if he got affected by the fact that you were eating a big banana...so the only thing we can do is to take the route that every bad movie, tv series and book make....Make him jealous!" Tae says in like one breath.

"What? Why the hell would I do that?!" He says surprised that Tae could come up with ideas like these.

" The writer of this book has run out of story ideas so we have to go with this one for now," He says matter-of-factly.

" You should have said that in the first place! Sure, why not?" 


Thank you very very very very much.

There is a mountain load of support thank you. I read every single comment. I mean every.







Thank you!

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