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Yoongi's POV

As soon as Namjoon said those words Tae jumped out of his seat, before mumbling an excuse to go to his room. In all honesty, I wanted to, too. Unfortunately, it would raise too many questions.

I just sat there uncomfortably.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" Jin asked.

"Yeah..." Jungkook said fidgeting a little. I could tell that he was a little shy. I don't think he knew he was a little. The horror movie incident replayed in my head. God, I really wanted to leave.

"Jungkook, why didn't you tell us? You know we would support you through anything right," Jin says. He was probably a little hurt that Jungkook would keep that part of him a secret when it could hurt him.

" I didn't know until last night," He sighed, " I would have told you if I knew, you guys are my best friends I would never hide something like that,"

'Why did I hide it then, if they are my best friends I should tell them' I thought to myself. But even I knew I would never bring myself to share the spotlight with Jungkook.

He's cute.

I'm not.

He's lovable.

I'm a dick.

He's the maknae.

I'm the second oldest.

Basically, everything is against them loving me as much as they'll ever love JK. He was the baby of the group.

In that instant, Jimin decided to open his stupid mouth. His very much kissable stupid mouth. " Jungkookie, do you remember what you called me?"

I stood up immediately, I didn't want him to talk about that part of the night, it's bad enough that Jungkook was a little now he has taken my daddy. I was afraid that I would slip and react how Yoonie might so I mumbled an excuse and ran to my room.

I wanted to ball my eyes out and cry into my daddy's arms but he was already taken, and i don't share. I did the prior anyway and fell onto my bed and cried. I felt a two strong hands carry me and place me on my bed. (no not Jimin, he's still a dick)

I just tugged them closer but I wouldn't dare say a word. I was halfway between Yoongi and Yoonie and I didn't want to be in either at the moment so I just shut up. I looked up to see Taehyung and cuddled into him even more.

" LOve is just so hard," Tae whispered as we cried together.

" He was supposed to be my-" I stopped myself from going any further knowing it would raise questions.

" I really loved him you know," Tae said. " I really, really loved him and what happens, he spits all of it back in my face and even with all the doubts and voices, i thought he loved me right back, but no one wants me forever, they just want to play with me for as long as long as I'm fun. Fuck this life,"

" Don't say that ok, we all love you and I'm sure he does too, and even if he doesn't, Jungkook is just a stupid kid that gets what he wants and take other peoples happiness," I said trying to comfort him, only making me more depressed.

" Without him, who will love me?" He asked.

" I'll love you," I said, in all seriousness. We both knew that we weren't going to date. He is like my best friend. " I am going to support you and look after you, i know that i don't love you like i love Jimin and you don't love me like you love Jungkook because that would be weird"

We both laughed at that.

" But I will love you like I love chocolate and candy, I swear," I said with a hand on my heart.

"You're the bestest friend in the world" Tae whispered to me.

"No you are," I whispered back.

I heard faint snores from the him. I just held onto him tighter until i fell asleep.

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