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To say that the night was awful would be an understatement.  Yoongi had made a bed of his small couch in the corner of his studio. It was definitely uncomfortable but he had to live with it. He didn't want to say anything against the boys because he loved them and he knew it was all his fault. 

He could tell that they thought that he was slacking and that there was a possibility that they would eventually find a way to get rid of him. He was so so ugly and all of them were beautiful and muscular. He had no excuse to be the way he was so he just had to try and get as close

The minute he woke up, Yoongi could tell that his foot had gotten no better. His back had also added to the lists of things that were currently hurting including his heart.

Although Yoongi had feelings about himself that he never wished to say out loud he wasn't stupid enough to make things worse. He knew that if he had a foot as bad as it had become, he may have a permanent injury since he hadn't taken care of the foot.

He used the arms of the sofa to hold himself upright on his good leg before he hopped all the way to the door. He unlocked it before making his way down to the clinic, still hopping. 

He eventually got the room and knocked, waiting for the doctor lady to come out.  After about 30 seconds she opens the door, smiling. 

"Hi Yoongi, what are you doing here so early," She asked, looking me up and down. 

Should he tell her? He didn't know how she would react to hearing the truth after all his bandmates didn't care about where she slept so why would she?

Eventually, he told her, what would it matter, anyway.

After his explanation, her smile came clean off.  To say he was surprised was an understatement. Would the boys really leave Yoongi here in the night after practice?

"Well then, come in!" she tried to revive a smile but Yoongi could tell that it was very very fake. 

What have you done,  just because everyone hates you, that doesn't mean you have to make her hate them

Yoongi for the first time in his life succeeded in ignoring the voices, he didn't know why but he felt powerful. That alone made him smile genuinely for the first time in weeks.

As expected she looked over his foot and asked him questions about different things concerning it. Sometimes Yoongi felt the questions had something else attached like when she askes about how life is at the dorm and of course he answers truthfully because lying in a medical situation s wrong.

After she is done, she gives him some sort of cream and painkillers. He bows respectfully, about to exit the clinic she stops him with a simple sentence.

"Yoongi, what the hell is going on?"


Hello my Sexy Alien Buddies

So like I am so grateful for all of you commentators and voters that are really giving me an amazing writing experience, I have never written a book that has gotten so many reads and also has so many votes and comments, yall make me so happy. 

Here are  some of  the voters and commentators i would like to appreciate :

Kaitlyn  (https://www.wattpad.com/user/KaitlynMurdock)

Rose (https://www.wattpad.com/user/cuddlylittlerose) 

Mika (https://www.wattpad.com/user/mikamika_uwu)

Fanficlover(couldn't find your name sorry ) (https://www.wattpad.com/user/Fanficlover4563)

I will do another one of these in the next chapters to come because this is nowhere near half of you beautiful people.

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