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Taehyung dropped Yoongi of at the studio and went to his own studio since he couldn't be bothered to go there then come back again.

Yoongi went to Seungwan first to tell her that the members were willing to change. She, of course, was sceptical after how bad they had been treating her baby but she didn't want to rain on Yoongi's parade so she just smiled along with him.

Yoongi actually had work to do and wasn't just making something up to see Seungwan so he eventually made his way over to his studio to work. It was a simple task so he was able to wrap up and go over to the dance studio to get their album going.

They were currently on the Persona album working their butts off to impress A.R.M.Y and all their fans. Their comeback was soon to come and if anything sent wrong they would be giving anti-army's a field day.

They were currently practising Boy with Luv because that would be the first song they would perform on their comeback stage. This was probably one of their easiest dances so it wasn't that hard to learn and execute. Rather than practising the other songs they would do, they paid special attention to this one because it was important everything about their movement was perfect.

It was a pretty good session by the end of the practice and all the boys were ready to move to a close restaurant.

By default, Yoongi started packing separately and was ready to dash for the door.

"Yoongi, where are you going," Namjoon asks the other boy, confused as to why he was running away.

"Um..i am going to get something to eat probably, why?" He asked, honestly confused why Namjoon was asking such a question.

All the boys looked uncomfortable but Yoongi genuinely didn't understand why they were acting so strangely. Had something happened that they were looking at him like they had physically hurt him?

" Aren't you going to come with us?" He asked uncomfortably, shuffling his feet a little.

This made a little more sense to Yoongi. He didn't expect them to try so hard so soon. He didn't remember the last time he had, had a meal with these same boys that looked at him sorrowfully. Not to mention a meal that hadn't been prepared by jin or made in a microwave.

" Um...sure, why not?" He said before following right behind them. He could feel that something nice would come of this relationship between the boys and me.


Let's say the meal did not go amazing. It was kind of fun listening to them talking about making random talk about different things. He hardly got involved, even though they tried very hard to include him, he found it much more interesting to watch their smiles. This made him smile, which was more than enough for him.

If they looked past the fact that Taehyung's and Jungkook's (out of little space) yodelling got them kicked out of the nice place, everything went quite splendid.

The boys had never had such fun in a long time.

Maybe just maybe, Yoongi's presence was the key to their happiness.

Yoongi was happy. He still felt that pang in his heart every time Jimin looked jealously over at Taekook whilst one fed the other but he wanted to work on it. He wanted to tell Jimin but the rejection was the only possible reply.

Now that he thought about it, he really didn't mind the thought of it.

Being rejected by Jimin. He knew how it felt to be loved by someone who didn't feel the same way.

For now, Yoongi wanted to fix his relationship with his bandmates as a whole, before thinking about any other type of relationship.


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