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I'm sorry...for this nasty chapter

To say the members were confused was an understatement. They were fricking shocked.

Never in their careers had Yoongi ever not shown up to practice. Sometimes the other members would if they were sick or if they had an injury. On some days they would fake it if they really needed a day off.

Yoongi was different, he never missed practice or rehearsal no matter how ill he felt. He would dance with a broken leg if he had to so today was a big surprise to them.

" Namjoon, where is Yoongi hyung, he isn't here yet, " Taehyung asked worriedly. 

That was pretty rich coming from the boy who had pretty much acted like his so-called best friend, Jimin thought.

"I don't know, he wasn't at dinner or breakfast..."  Namjoon replied just as worried. 

To be honest it would be pretty rich for any of them to say that, all of them had been neglecting their most sensitive and troubled member. They, of course, were too stupid to see this because they are of course people as well.

"Namjoon locked him out of the bus last night," Hoseok commented, his eyes not leaving his phone.  He, of course, was shocked when it happened but he didn't comment anything because he had to keep Jungkook smiling.

The members decided to practice the songs without him, expecting he probably went to the Genius Lab to finish up some tracks or something and didn't sleep till the early hours of the morning, although a few of them pointed out he still came to practice on time in these cases.

They had a semi successful practice.

RM would do all the parts Suga was supposed to do. After practice, they all looked at the clock.

10:30 am.

It had been almost three hours and Yoongi still wasn't there yet. The members were getting more and more uneasy, thinking he would come back eventually.


The boys were now in dance practice. They were stretching and warming up, getting ready for the first song they were gonna practice.

Halfway through their stretching, the door burst open, revealing a sweating Yoongi.

"Sorry that I am late, I was in the clinic," He says out of breath.

"Are you ok? Why were you in there?" the members ask him. He wanted to tell them but then they might force him to sit out of the practice so instead, he murmurs"I don't know why you guys would care...".

He quickly moves away from them and does some of his own stretches. He didn't want any of the members to notice the stray tears that were running down his face.

Jimin felt a pang of hurt in his chest at that but he didn't understand why.

Why would it hurt him if Yoongi felt like he didn't care?

Washing away his thoughts, Jimin joins the other members in their starting positions.

They danced to a couple of songs before they came to DNA. 

Yoongi had been messing up with the footwork, things Namjoon and Jin were getting easier. The members were expecting him to fall on his butt so that both the instructor and them would have to tell him to work harder.

Surprisingly he got the steps easily and even seemed to be having a little fun.

Once the practice was over they were supposed to go to their studios to polish up some of their new tracks for Love Yourself: Answer which is coming up soon.

They were all about to congratulate Yoongi but....

they couldn't find him. It was as if he had disapeared into thin air.

Little did they know the boy had gone to the clinic so that he could go shopping for the new resident in his home.

Barbara Anastasia Edderson would need some supplies and so would he.

Now that he knew he was a good boy.


Hello, My Sexy Alien Buddies,

I am sorry for this terrible chapter but I wanted to bring it out really quick in honour of You guys helping me reach 1 thousand reads.....

Oh my gosh,  J.K Rowling is shook!

Anyway thank you so much, i love you guys so much and i am so thankful for all of you guys that read comment and vote, especially those of you that always talk about my health.

Also, i have started planning a Youtube channel and i am hoping you guys will be able to support me when I give the link to the channel...

You are blessed and appreciated!

Thank you and Bye!

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