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Today was the day. Today was the day Yoongi would finally get his answer. Maybe just maybe he would look like a complete fool, trying to woo the boy that had caused him so much stress this past year. He loved him. He was sure of that but today he would find out if the love was one-sided.

They had reached the venue in Busan yesterday, two of the maknaes were jumping around like little kids, remembering all the fun times they had when they were younger. He wore the pretty blue jumper and the back jeans before wearing his black Balenciagas, you know, the ones that look like socks?

He was all ready and in his opinion, he was looking really cute.

He unlocked his hotel room and went down the hallway to Namjoon's room where they agreed to meet before going down to breakfast. It was the very last door on the corridor. The whole floor was sectioned off so that 'crazy fans can't get to BTS and taxidermy them' according to their manager.

He finally came to the room and knocked on the door, he could have walked in straight away but 1. He was polite and 2. Jin and Namjoon shared a room. That would not be the most wonderful to walk in to on a fine morning like this in Yoongi's opinion.

The door was opened by an already ready Namjoon. He let Yoongi in. Everyone was here except Jin, who he guessed was in the bathroom or something. Yoongi sat next to Taehyung and greeted him before returning to look at Namjoon.

Jin came out of the bathroom a few minutes later and just sat on the armchair.

Namjoon started talking. It was the same thing that he said every time.

Don't do this and don't to that but always remember to smile.

Except in an hour-long form. Meaning Yoongi basically daydreamed for half an hour until he heard someone, not so subtly whisper into his ear. "So you are going through with the plan right?"

He just nodded at Taehyung not wanting to reply, verbally.

Eventually, the long talk ended and they all made their way to the hall where the meet and greet would be held. It was quite big, the entire room was a light pink which was way too cute for Yoongi to handle. There was a massive projector screen behind a table that held eight chairs.

The boys were led to a backstage area where some of them got their hair and make up done, whilst the others ate some breakfast. It took about an hour since there was of course seven of them. When it was all over the boys moved into the are where all their fans were already screaming and shouting. They smiled and waved at their fans. Once they sat down the event began. Many fans came with food and soft toys which the boys appreciated very much, as they signed the albums and books and...


Once half of the fans were done, there was a short interlude where the guys talked to each other and the fans as a whole. On Yoongi's right was Jimin and on his left was Hoseok.

Time for the plan to commence.

"Hey Hobie, how is the most handsome man in the room doing?" he asks giggling. He decides not to look at Jimin because it might make him realise that Yoongi is trying to make him jealous on purpose. Hoseok laughed at his playful flirting before replying.

"I don't know Yoongi, how are you doing today?" He smiled cheekily, which made Yoongi's ears turn a little red.

"Mm fine," He replies quietly before looking down at his hands to add to the effect.

He turned his gaze to Jimin a little to see that he was glaring daggers into Hoseok's head. He actually thought that Hobie's head might burst if Jimin looked at him any longer.

The plan is working! Maybe he should take it a step further.

He walked behind J-hope's chair and back-hugged Hobie, putting his head on J-hope's shoulder and giggled.

Hobie just laughed and looked at Yoongi, giving him his signature grin and moving back to his conversation with Jungkook about video games or something. Yoongi moved away from the chair and sat on his own, glancing at Jimin for a second.

Even before he looked he felt the heat radiating from the glare but this time it was directed at him.


The event continued until the time was up and the boys had to return to their hotel rooms. They all went separate paths until they made their way into their own room. Beforehand they had planned a movie night but Yoongi was far too tired and Jimin agreed.

Yoongi went into his room, took a shower and wore a comfortable shirt and his boxers. He heard a little knock on the door so he went up to it. Suddenly he remembered the scary story the manager had said so he was terrified of what could be behind the door.

"Wh-who is there?" Yoongi asks clutching the remote control to the tv, hoping it would give him enough time to run in case it was a crazy fan.

"Jimin," was all he heard from the other side. He sighed out in relief when he realised he wasn't going to die a horrible death. He unlocked the door and let Jimin come in himself. He was on his way to go to his bed when he was basically picked up and cornered against a wall.

"What was that?" He asked. The lights were off but the quarter moon was enough to illuminate Jimin's face. His eyes were dark and terrifying. Even his face was not as mochi-like but quite...intimidating.

"What?" Yoongi asks.

Jimin places his head in the crook of Yoongi's neck and his arms on Yoongi's shoulders. His hot breath fanning over the surface, making it impossible for Yoongi to breathe.

"You know exactly what you did, don't you?" His voice was deep and husky, making Yoongi weak at the knees, "you were trying to make me jealous weren't you, flirting with Hoseok like that?"

Jimin moves his hands to Yoongi's waist sending tingles down his sides.

"Um..sorry?" he mumbled quietly.

"Unfortunately, sorry isn't good enough, I will have a little payback soon enough,"

With that Jimin was gone.


Gonna pretend writing this chapter was not at all uncomfortable for me.

Anywho this book is coming to an end because Yoongi is about to reach his full happiness.

I might do a sequel after the summer holidays.

I am literally moving onto the next chapter right now because the break starts after tomorrow (now today cause I wrote this yesterday). I am also graduating middle school, yes I am 14, wow so young, yadda yadda yadda.

I will then start my channel. Nobody has to comment but I will leave the link in the 'thanks for reading' chapter.

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