20. or the Epilogue....I don't know

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For two days Yoongi had been walking on eggshells. Before he turned a corner he prayed and when he slept he had one eye open. Jimin, on the other hand, was quite alright. Nothing changed in his behaviour one bit.

It made Yoongi wonder if he had imagined what had happened that night but the tingles he felt on his neck said otherwise. He could almost feel Jimins breath against his pale skin.

It was the third day and Yoongi was more than sure what happened that day was a figment of his imagination. Something he wished would have happened but really would never.

He decided that today he would spend his time in his studio because everyone was just getting bits and bobs tied up to fix the loose bolts and pieces in the album. It had to be perfect. Perfect for those who had spent so much time supporting them and looking after them.

He stayed in his studio for about three hours before finally going home. He was sure that what he had done still wasn't enough but he couldn't let the boys worry so he went home to spend time with them.

When he got home there was apparently nobody there. Either that or they were silently staying in their room. That was very unlikely because when all of them were together everything is loud. The whole house would usually be filled with screams and laughter.

He went into his room and sat on the bed. Looking at Twitter and other things. Things talking about wars in 3rd world countries, which were quite depressing or funnier things such as 2009 memes thst were supposed to be very dead.

He was so immersed in what he was reading that he didn't hear the door open. He didn't hear the footsteps that approached him.

It was only when he saw the towering figure over his sitting frame.


The boy had a gentle smile on his lips. He wasn't as scary as that non-exsistent day. Jimin sat down next to Yoongi and slung his arm around him, lazily.

They both smiled to themselves before continuing what Yoongi was doing. The only difference was that Yoongi's heart was falling to his feet and coming bact to his chest over and over again.

Eventually, Jimin got tired of this and decided to just be straight forward. He was tired of pretending and tired of looking at something that actually didn't interest him one bit. He didn't actually care if Nigeria was going to go into a civil war if President Buck head or something came into power.

He came here for a reason and even if he was rejected he would say what needed to be said and do what needs to be done.

He held Yoongi's hand before saying, "Yoongi, I really really like you,"

He thought that he would give a grand speech about everything he loved about Yoongi but sometimes the simplest words said it all.

Yoongi's heart melted. His face felt warm and he was dure he would colapse. He had been waiting for this moment for a long long time. The boy he had loved for so long finally liked him and that was enough for him. He didn't need a speech because the simplest words said it all.

"I really really like you, too,"

And they were both happy. Yoongi no longer felt REPLACED by Jungkook. He felt that his place in this group had finally been engraved into their legacy. A legacy that would remain forever. No matter what happened he would be there for them and he was sure they would be there for him

He was finally ACCEPTED.


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