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Everyone was clearly confused. Nobody understood why Jungkook was acting like a child.

Everyone except Yoongi. It was clear that Jungkook was probably a little. He wasn't sure how old he was in little space from the few words he said but he could tell that he wasn't that old from the way he talked.

At that moment., Jungkook burst into tears. 

"I wan Daddy!" he cried over and over again. Jimin snapped out of his trance and tried to calm down the crying boy.  Jungkook began to cool down. When the tears had finally stopped it was clear that the little wanted to sleep. His eyes were on the verge of shutting.

His last words pierced Yoongi's heart like a double edged sword.

" Fenk you, Daddy,"


After Jungkook was put to sleep, Jin suggested that we searched about Jungkook's episode and that maybe they would be able to figure it out. Of course, Yoongi already knew the reason why Jungkook was acting the way he was but he didn't want the other members to ask questions.

So, they all sat around Namjoon and his laptop.

"Little space,"

Yoongi almost wanted to shut the laptop. He knew that he would would be questions. He knew that his little secret would be less of a secret if they found out what little space was. Even if they don't know that he is a little.

"  is a mindset in which an adult relaxes into a state of carefree, responsibility-free safety. It may be a developed time in which an adult relives childhood memories, scenarios, or desires that were in their adolescence. An adult in may involve another adult referred to as a , engage in activities viewed as childish, and some may even participate in adult sexual interaction during their time in littlespace. While in littlespace, the adult is usually, but not always, referred to as an adult baby, little, or middle. A standard that all people interacting and involved in this type of scene is that they are all of legal adult age."

"wow," was all Taehyung said.

" So Jungkook chose Jimin as his caregiver," Hobie asked. 

Namjoon glared at him. It was obvious that this would cause some division in the group. Especially between the maknae line.  

Taehyung stood up abruptly. He had woken up when  Jungkook was  crying.  He seemed so shattered, like everything within him was broken. Jimin on the other hand looked like he had just won a gold medal. He dropped his expression when he saw the look on Tae's face.

" Can i stay in your room, Yoongi," Tae asked. 

I was pretty sure that my little space stuff was in the corner of my wardrobe so i just nodded.

Things were going to get awkward in the dorm.


Tae's POV (sorta)

The next morning i really didn't want to get up. I was surprised that Jungkook would choose Jimin to be his caregiver, I actually thought he liked me back. 

Who are you kidding? Jungkook liking you back! Your ugly and fat! 

The same voices that were in my head when i was bullied by my friends back in school came back to me. I tried blocking them out but like back then they stuck. I really didn't want to go back to how i was.

I got up anyways. I trudged over to the dining room. I was going to sit in my normal seat, next to Jungkook, but apparently Jimin had decided that this was his new seating place. This made my mood only worse.

He replaced you quickly, why haven't you killed yourself yet.

That was one of the many things that the voices said in my head as i sat in Jimin's usual seating place but it stood out to me. It made me think.

Why haven't I?

Jungkook's POV

I looked over at Taehyung. He seemed so sad and frustrated. He didn't touch his food at all. All he did was stare into space. 

I knew i was the cause of it all.  I remembered what happened last night. I did a little research on what happened this morning and figured it out. At first i thought i was a freak but i had to realise it was a part of me now and nothing i could do would change that. 

 Only this morning did i realise that i crawled into Jimin's arms when i thought i had crawled into My Daddy's arms instead.

Namjoon finally broke the silence when he said..

 " We need to talk about last night,"

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