Sorry Just an added chapter to say something

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Authors Pov

It was a beautiful morning in the AfRican continent. The birds where singing the elephants were drinking water from a stream and the Author was sitting in her warm comfortable bed far far away from all that in the city.

She decided to go to school with her mother because she didn't have any internet at home and her mom was a teacher. She logged onto Wattpad and decided to check out her notifications. She thought that there would be the usual 15-30 notifications but her readers had decided to provide 89.

In that instant she fell down and collapsed.

The end.

Thank you guys for 10k reads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I purple you all!!

Please ask me questions about myself that I will definetely answer!


Anywho.... if the last chapter seemed rushed, I'm sorry! I wanted to give you guys something before summer holidays because there is no guarantee I can bring out anything during this time. I will edit it know tho!

Thanks and see you in the next one!!!!
(I promise no extra chapters)

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