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I moved away from the door.

I love you too

The only words I heard in their entire conversation continue to ring through my head.

He loves Yoongi. All this time I thought we had something. Hell, I thought Yoongi like Jimin. It's all my fault I got in the way and now everything is gonna fall apart.

I feel littler and littler. I try to fight it but I can't. Tears run down my eyes.

'' DADDY.!!"

Jin's POV

We all ran to the hallway to find a crying kookie on the floor. Jimin went over to cuddle with him but Jungkook pushed him away, still crying for his Daddy.

" Baby, I'm here, daddy is here" Jimin tried to soothe poor kook but he still pushed Jimin away.

"You not ma daddy!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. He still stayed in crying fits.

"Who is your daddy, baby?" I asked sweetly. It hurt so much seeing my baby hurt.

"Taetae is daddy," he cried calming down a bit.

Taehyung burst out of the room and went down to Jungkook, who jumped into his arms.

He calmed down completely and seemed content in his hopefully new caregivers arms.

"It's OK baby, daddy is here now, forever,"  Tae soothed the sober little.

"pinky pwomise,"

"pinky promise,"

The two left to go and talk, whilst we the rest of the band mates, excluding Yoongi, went to the living room to replan this months calender.

Things had to change with a little around.


This is a really shitty update with half the amount that I would like but lemme explain.

I thought this book wouldn't get any love so I used my other account.

I came back on here and was super surprised because I got more than I deserve so thanks.

I will be real busy updating for you guys.

Love y'all 😘😘

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