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To say the loud noise alarmed Jimin was an understatement. Normally if Jungkook cried it wouldn't be as loud as what was going on at the moment.He was surprised to find that Yoongi was the one shouting down the house not their little. 

What had gotten into the older boy? Had all those hours of working with only coffee and pot noodles finally driven him to madness?

"Yoongi what the hell are you doing?"

His head immediately snapped towards Jimin. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion before he continued his wailing, only a little bit quieter. He was saying something but Jimin couldn't quite understand.

He walked closer to him so the boy would listen. 

"Ya, Yoongi what are you doing, you're scaring Kookie,"

Yoongi couldn't stand to hear it for another second.

"Kookie, it always Kookie, you newer ewer tink about' me. I am cwying in my studio evewy day cause Jiminie don wove Yoonie, he woves  Kookie. Evewybody woves  Kookie and nobody wove me. Well, i hate you too Jiminie!" He whispers coldly to the boy before running to his room.

For some blasted reason, Jimin didn't catch the change in Yoongi and became angry. He marched over to Yoongi's room and burst into the room. Yoongi was behind the door and fell forward with a yelp.  

Jimin ignored it and started screaming at the poor boy.

"Why are you so selfish, Yoongi," he snarled " Kookie was just there playing and you had to try and take the attention like always. You know what he's going through so shut the fuck up and think about others for once in your  measly life!" He screamed before storming out.

This only caused Yoonie to start crying more. Even in all this pain Yoongi still loved him because he knew that Jimin didn't understand.

He didn't like any of the things Jimin said about him and he damn well knew that zero of it was true. 

He has had enough of all the pain he has felt that was inflicted on him emotionally by his bandmates and he has had enough of it! 

He was going to tell them everything at breakfast tomorrow. Even if they thought that he was an over-emotional attention seeker, Yoongi couldn't give two fucks. He would tell them what he was and how their relationship was damaged beyond repair.

He was going to tell them because they needed to know. They also needed to know that they could no longer play with his feelings.

Even if it meant they would finally hate him forever.

Yoongi loved himself and who he was, that was what the trilogy was about wasn't it?

Yoongi Loved Himself and he wasn't going to shed any more Tears for them. He had Seungwan and he loved Her. All the pain all the tribulations, he wished he knew from the beginning that Seungwan was the Answer.


That moment when you are writing and also digging a mighty big pit for yourself to dig out of.

How will this ship sail??!!!

Don't worry it will in a very beautiful chapter!

+ he doesnt love love her he likes her as a caregiver.

Love ya<333333

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