What was that?!

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*time skip because I'm lazy*

*Reader Chan/(Y/N)'s POV*

     "Lunch Time!  Finally! I'm Starving! " I scream,and then I suddenly remembered something "dammit I forgot to pack lunch!" I angrily remarked, "at least I still have money💰, and lunch doesn't even end in 1 hour, so I have plenty of time"
     I grab my wallet out of my bag, and leave the almost empty classroom. The hallway was surprisingly empty  "huh weird... usually there would be hundreds of people making their way to the canteen by now" I thought and and about 3 seconds later, I get hit the shoulder real hard, 5 figures run past me at lightning speed down the hall, when I looked back I saw a tornado of people running and screaming. I jumped out of the way as fast as I could. While walking to the canteen I started to process what just happend

       I got to the canteen and lined up, while I was waiting I heard 2 girls gossiping "did you see those new kids?!, oh...  my....  gawd...  they are so freaking hot
Especially the tall one" the girl fangirls, "I know right they're so cute I want them so badly!" the second girl responds
"Oh!  and the girl she's so pretty!  No doubt the guys in our school are falling for her",  " Ya..  I mean even though they're grade 10 the whole school is head over heals for all of them,  the female included"
       I looked away from the girls with a shocked face "isn't that a bit exaggurated?" I thought as I purchased my lunch, I grabbed my lunch and walked back to the classroom, while walking back I thought "who were those guys? , and how are they so famous? and I'm only grade 7,
geez my brain hurts" 

"My Highschool Friends" DISCONTINUED STORY(Fnaf characters)Where stories live. Discover now