Freddy's POV

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"If only my school days were peaceful I would actually be able to relax a little more" I sigh looking at my pile of papers "at least I got most of these done, all I have to do is just arrange them" I glance over at the clock realizing... " dammit its 12:00am, I have to get my sleeping schedule worked out before I die trying. At least Goldys doing well he has work cut out for him since he doses things ahead of time, he gets to sleep early, heh being like him would be nice"
"Freddy?" I glance to see Goldy out of bed, leaning by my door "what are you doing still awake its 2am? You should be sleeping" and obviously I ask "how bout you, why are you still awake? " he replies "I woke up to drink water and then I saw that your door was open, and I was wondering why you were still awake", " I have forms to fill out and the hard part... They all have to be hand written" I say with exhausted eyes and a tired look on my face, and he says while walking in "let me see" he glances at my papers "and casually says "don't worry I'll take care of it, you need to get some rest, you'll
need it tomorrow since the new school year starts" "you make a good point" I look back at him and make direct eye contact with my brother and quickly put my arms around him.
It took him awhile to respond but eventually he hugged back, I whispered in his ear "Thank You so much Goldy, I don't know what I'd do without you. He replies "Your welcome and plus I'm your brother what would I not do for you " I blush before braking from the hug and I stand up walk to my bed and he sits down organizing my work. "He says goo d night brother", "you to Goldy"
I shut my eyes and immediately fall asleep.

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