Time To Chill

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*Reader-Chan/(y/n)'s POV*

The walk to the clinic was so awkward, everyone was glancing at us while I was staining Goldy's shirt . When we got to the clinic, Goldy waited for a few minutes before leaving me at the clinic. In the end, I ended up with a few stitches on my shoulder, the only thought in my mind was that I was so exited to get home, because it was a weekend I could recover and study.

*Time Skip: the next day*

I woke up at 7am, still really tired after yesterday's event. Lazily, I got out of bed, letting the blanket fall. I looked at the window, staring at the bikes going by the house. There were rarely cars when it comes to the village that I live in, the only time you would see a car if someone was travelling somewhere far. I got out of bed and unplugged my gadgets, bringing it with me going down stairs. Cooking was never my strong point, I would always end up burning a small portion but there was always an exception: Filipino cuisine.

When it was 10am I decided to go on a short bike ride around the village, but when I started to go around, I felt my phone vibrate. I stopped near a bench close to the park so that I could take a short rest. I checked my ipad and noticed the messages that Chica D.M. me:

~|| On her phone||~

Chica: Hey (y/n), I wanted to ask you if u wanted to go get something to eat with me and the guys. I felt bad that u got stabbed and I was wondering if food will make you feel better. I asked the guys if they were and and if they would allow me to bring and they said yes. If you wanna go meet at the mall entrance at 3:00 pm if you wanna go. The guys will be there in the cafe reserving our table. See you there :)
(Y/N): Sounds fun! Sure i'll go
(Y/N): See u there!

Welp its 12 o' clock so I guess I have time. I peddled home, quickly opening the garage door and locking the bike to one of the pipes. I dropped my stuff on the coach at went to the bathroom. After the shower I wrapped the towel around my body and dried my feet on the rug. I opened the closet door and brought out a dark blue maong pants and a whit shirt with black hearts scattered around it. After getting changed, something hit me, I brought my phone and texted Chica:

(Y/N): Hey, what mall am I supposed to go to?
Chica: The mall nearest to the school
(Y/N): Kk! thanks 👍

"Huh" I thought, "that mall is a bit small" but hey, its a a nice hangout place. I decided to bike there since the school I go to is walking distance, it would be much faster if I just took my bike. After getting changed, I quickly slipped on my shoes and brought out my small backpack and placed my ipad, a small sketch book, a roll up pencil case, my headphones and a pocket knife, yes i'm that extreme. I tied my hair and put on my helmet and fingerless biking gloves, and started peddling to the mall. When I got there it was 2:30pm "I have a few minutes to burn" I declared to myself. I went in the mall and walked around the first floor. After a few minutes past I bought myself a rainbow dog tag, when I got out of the mall a yellow taxi pulled by, when Chica got out she was wearing, a loose white blouse with long sleeves and a pink, knee high, pastel colored skirt and black flats, she brought a small black purse, her hair was in a high ponytale with her yellow streak hanging from the side of her face.

She got a glance and started waving her arm in the air, smiling. She ran to me and started to sqweez me, "um Chica, i'm running out of air" I told politely, "hehe, sorry" she giggled. We walked inside the 5 story mall, the cafe's were on the 5th floor so decided to use the elevator. We made it inside but instead of pressing the 5th floor she pressed the 4th, "huh, why the 4th floor?" I thought. When we got out the elevator, the forth floor was filled with lots of shops that were dedicated to art supplies and personalizable items, and for me that was heaven. We walked in a store that was filled with keychains, necklaces and so mush more. While I was looking around, Chica walked up to a lady and asked "hello ma'am, I pre-ordered 4 keychains and one pin last week, and i'm wondering if I could get it?" the lady looked under the counter and asked "are you miss Rodriguez?" "yup!" she replied happily "oh! here we go, 'package for Miss Rodriguez' ".She placed the paper bag on the counter and folded the top to seal it, she then got the receipt and stapled it to the bag to seal it close "here you go miss" she smiled and placed the bag in front of Chica "thank you!" she quickly grabbed the bag and and pulled me to the escalator. We quickly ran up and made it to the 5th floor, I moved to side to catch my breath, while panting I exclaimed "what *pant* was that *pant* for?!" she chuckled and said "because... why not..." *inhales* bruh.

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