Getting to Know Them/Her

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*Goldy's POV*                                                                                                                                                    We placed our instruments on the ground and sat not the it, we all glanced at (Y/N) and maybe all of us started to wonder "why isn't she screaming" or "why isn't she fagirling? , even though she performed quite well, we still can't trust her because we just met her and who know's if she's just hiding her feelings and one's we all leave she'll start fingerling like crazy it was silent for a while till Foxy said "so when are you gonna snap?", "Foxy!" Chica yelled "she's new to grade 7 maybe she hasn't heard of us yet" , "how are sure?!" Foxy debated "I-" (Y/N) tried speaking but they were to distracted, the talking turned to yelling in seconds Bonnie  stood up and tried speaking up by saying "guys stop, she's new maybe she-" , "SHUT UP BONNIE!" they both scream as they cut him off he sits beside me and I start thinking of ways we could shut them up. As we were thinking me Bonnie saw (Y/N) walk towards the both of them, I heard Bonnie say silently "what the hell is she doing?!?!" once she made it close to Foxy everything went so fast, she quickly went behind Foxy and placed her back against his, before Foxy could turn around (Y/N) locked her arms on his, flipped him forward making him land on his back and hitting ground hard, really hard, Chica tried to punch her in the stomach but instead (Y/N) grabber her by the wrist, went under it which caused her to twist her wrist and laid the twisted arm on her back, Chica grunted then said in an angry tone "Let.Me.GO!" she let go of her and she fell on her back, (Y/N) just stood there but Chica moved away from her quickly, she looked different, her skin was pale, she was looking down but when she looked up her iris was purple, her pupil was white and the sclera of her eye was black, her eyes were shacking like she was insane and she wore a blank look on her face and her fist were clenched.

             It was silent then she said in a serious tone "I don't have any love interest in any of you, Bonnie's right I'm new to this school, I haven't heard of you all till earlier" her eye's revert back to her normal one's, she knelt down in front of Foxy, grabbed his hands, him pulled so he would be in a sitting position and asked calmly "is your back ok?" at this point I expected Foxy to punch or yell at her but to my surprise this happened, he replied "probably broken, why?" then... Chica interrupted "you ok?" she asked in a serious yet concerning way, "who are you talking to? me or Foxy" (Y/N) interrupted, "both of you" she replied "I think I'm ok" (Y/N) replied, "Foxy?", "I'm good" he replies "ack! kill me now!" I heard (Y/N) whisper even though she was in the centre of the room and I was leaning on the stage I could hear her... "that's dark" I reply loudly 

*(Y/N) / Reader-Chan's POV*

              How did he hear me?,just, how?!, how did he hear me I was in the center of the room and he was leaning on the stage. I was shocked when he replied everyone looked at him, his face was serious but there was nothing I could do. Everything was silent then Foxy spoke up "what did she say?" , I started to worry that he would tell but to my relief he said "I prefer not to say" Foxy expression was a little angry but mostly blank. I coming back to my senses, my skin wasn't pale and my eyes were back to normal, in all the silence Freddy spoke up "someone can fight" he says teasingly, "where did you learn how to fight?" , "lets just say, I have a mentor here in the school who REALLY know's what he's doing"

A/N: How bout a little game: for the first 10 people who can guest who her mentor is you will get a shot-out in the next chapter/s


1. Highlight the words 'what he's doing' 

2. Write your answer

3. Pray that your answer is write and picked 



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