A Different Kind of Martial Arts // Part 2

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*3rd Person POV*

                            They were getting ready for PE, but Freddy and Goldy were reviewing academics, considering sometimes that's all they ever do, Chica was doodling on her ipad and Bonnie was tuning his guitar. The teacher asked them to line up by height, Foxy was so happy because he and the boys were the 4 tallest of the class and Chica was, sadly, a bit short, being only 5' ft. They started to walk to the outside gym, really tired and sleepy. When they got there the girls had to be separated from the boys, the guys on the left and the girls on the right, Foxy started to chuckle a bit cause of a saying that Chica told him one time, it was "Boys on the left cause girls are always right". The girls caught a glance of him and started to giggle, his face morphed to serious very quickly, he hated attention, he'd do anything to make the girls stop looking at him. When the teacher came in, he was walking beside the a man who looked at least 6' feet tall and above, he was bit muscular with slightly, thick and messy hair. The girls started to pay attention to him instead of Foxy, when they were in the center, their teacher started to orient them "Good morning, today we won't be having your normal orientation. But lets start with the basics, this is your coach, Mr. Devlin but call him 'sir' instead. We will be having a small activity soon but before that there is one thing you need to get used to... ",  he turned to sir who quickly pulled out a gun and shot it in the air, he moved the gun down and looked at them.

                     The teacher loudly exclaimed "EVERYONE STAND UP!" they quickly stood up and and surrounded 2 crates that were placed on the opposite ends of the gym, there was a big white cloth covering the top of both of the crates. When he pulled it off, in one off the crates it was filled with riffles and in he other were shotguns. They stood there shocked and speechless. The silence was broken when their coach exclaimed in a loud voice "handle these with caution, if the weapon is to heavy don't force yourself to use it, it will slow you down". They all grabbed a weapon and got protective glasses to prevent paint from getting into their eyes. When all the students had a weapon in their hands their asked all of them to spread out, he blew his whistle and out of nowhere yellow paint balls started to rain down, all the students started to scream and run around. The yellow paint barely touched the floor, instead landing on the backs of the students, and the rule was that 'if a bullet landed anywhere on the student they are considered out' ,so that means that a quarter of the class remained. The shooting stopped when the students noticed that their coach had a devilish grin plastered on his face, all the students had worried looks on their faces. 

                He spoke "put your guns down and pull out your knife", they placed their guns down on the floor and pulled out their pocket knives. Springtrap walked to the center and screamed "Ms. (l/n), how bout one last sparring session?". A black figure quickly jumped down and pinned down one of the male student, the most violent one. He reacted realy badly and instead of screaming he pushed the figure of him ad tried to stab it, he swinging his knife till he managed to shove the knife in its shoulder. He ripped the mask of of its face, and it revealed... (y/n)?!

          She used her feet to shove him out of the way and slam his back to the wall. She stood up and dashed towards him, she pulled out a gun and aimed it at his forehead. He stood still and dropped the knife, the blood running down her shoulder turned pitch black. Springtrap then screamed "EVERYONE BACK TO THE CLASS, AND THIS IS WILL BE KEPT SECRET!". Goldy approached her and carried her to the clinic. 

        It was a complete mess after all of that... 

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