Chica's POV: Part 2

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       "Are you ok?" a female voice asked, I looked up and saw the figure "I..Im fine" I said stuttering the thing grabbed my hand gently and pulled me up, she was really strong I could say that and... shorter than me?!?!. but I could tell it was female because of her voice she looked about 12 to 14 years old, her height reached my neck, and before I could say anything she said " I recommend you head back, your new school year starts tomorrow and you need a good nights rest" I responded "O-Oh ok... Bye" " Bye"she replies and starts running back to where she came from.

                  I walk back to my house thinking "who was she? why did she save me?" and other questions but I had to erase them out of my mind since I need to rest. I make it back to my house I change into a shirt, loose pants and to sleep .

        ((I know its short deal with it))

        See u guys next chapter 


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