A Stronger Bond

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((My friend that i'm collabing with wrote this chapter cause i'm not that good when it comes to writing these things))

*Warning: Smut and Incest*

*Freddy's POV*

"Bye Guys!" I cheerfully said as I waved goodbye to our bestfriends. "Bye!" Chica said as she left (y/n) with the two boys. "This was fun, right gold-" I was cut off, Goldy placed his lips against mine, after a few moments, he pulled away, leaving me as red as a tomato. "F-Freddy... i'm sorry... I didn't know what came over me...!" he spammered, his cheeks dusted with pink. I held his hand causing him to look into my eye, he was so adorable. I leaned in closer, my mind numb. "F-Fre-mm" he was cut off, I this as an opportunity to slip my tongue in, "A-ah..." he moaned as I interwined our tongues together. I felt something on my lower half, pleasure was building up my shaft. I looked down, only to see his and my pants noticeable bulges. Were in public... I let go of my grasp on him and separated my mouth from his. "Let's continue this at home..." I said as I swiftly grabbed his hand while dashing our was to the house, 'Fuck...I can't wait any longer' I thought to myself. I grabbed the keys and opened, pulling Goldy in with me, then soon throwing him on the coach, and pinning him down. "Strip" I commanded with seductive voice, "o-okay..." he quietly complied as he stated to unbuckle his pants. After a few seconds, he was fully undressed, I can't keep my nose from bleeding. I took my shirt and pants, leaving me in my boxers. I took his hand once more then kissed his lips, passion was visible on our faces. "I won't hold back this time Gold-" the door suddenly swung open. "Goldy, you forgot your- oh my god" Foxy and Bonnie were standing in our doorway. For fuck's sake...just when things start to get good, "GET OUT!" I yelled at them, "NO!" they screamed in unison. I threw a waterbottle at them and chased them out into the cold night with my boxers on. "FOXY!.BONNIE!"

*Goldy's POV*

"what the hell did I just witness...?"

((and to this day i'm still laughing at the ending. It's short but i'll have a lot to work with next chap.))

((Em aka the girl who she's collabing with: nyehehehehe! My mind is filled with smut!))

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