Discovering More About (Y/N)

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*Chica's POV*

The more (Y/N) talked with me and guys she eventually got comfortable. Once the bell rang we got up walked home, I ask if I can walk home with (Y/N) and she agreed, once we made it out of the school we decided to got to the park since it was still early and I wanted to talk more with (Y/N). Then I noticed that she was part of 'tech class' so I asked her "hey (Y/N) do you mind if I add you to the group?" ,she gave me a really confused look and before she could answer I just added her to the group and immediately my phone and her iPad started buzzing like crazy so I check my phone and she checks her iPad

*on Chica's phone

-Chica added (Y/N)

Foxy: what the f*** chica

Bonnie: we just met her and you add her to the group. whats wrong with you?!

Freddy: hey (Y/N)?

(Y/N): yes??

Freddy: did u ask to join dis group??

(Y/N): wut?! NO! we were just chatting then she ask me to join the group and before I could process wut just happened she just adds me. gtg.

*not on the phone

We made it to the park and sat on the grass in a nice, quiet and open area and because it was just the two of us I started to ask her questions "how old are you?" , I brought out my notebook and pen and started taking notes "12" she replies, "favourite colour?", "purple" huh like Bonnie "what instruments do you play?", "guitar, drums, by guitar I mean acoustic, electric and base, violin and others" that's a lot for a 12 year old, "what do you like? in general","I like well fighting, listening to music, practicing things I'm good at like singing, drawing and other things" at this point she's just like the guys, I wonder why they can't get along, I had one question that I really wanted to ask her but I was afraid its too 'touchy but... "hey (Y/N) how come you have a metal arm?" her faced turned from cool to shocked in seconds "yo-you don't have to say if your not comfortable" she calms down and says "its fine just... *inhales* *exhales* don't tell the guys I told you this, I,m scared it might ruin your relationship", "ok" I reply "promise?" "I promise" then story time "me and my family were having fun at night, running around, rolling in the grass and it was nighttime but there were so many lights on that it seemed like it was day so my parents allowed me to wander around a little just not go to far, I was running around a little then I noticed that I was out of my parents and I got a text that it was home time so I walk back, but as I was going back I- *inhale* I got assaulted by 4 men, they were tall, I couldn't tell who it was because they were wearing hoodies but their eyes stood out, a lot, and to my surprise they were-", "dark blue, red, light blue and black and white and..." I guess "orange, the 4 men held me down and everything was history, I didn't know how they got my arm off, I didn't wanna know but all I remember was being brought to the ER.

I was stuck in the hospital for 6 months, my thoughts during those months were jumbled but every time I closed my eyes I could see their eyes, the eyes of the men that took away my thought of 'I can do this' , 'I am strong' so when I saw your friends I-I- *sigh* after I got discharged me and my parents started to notice changes such as being able to 'see' things before they happen, I got better at sports, got more engaged in lots of activities, not to mention I got smarter. They gave me my metal arm a week before I was discharged so I had time to 'practice' doing normal activities with my new arm and leg. Once I got out of the hospital I didn't know to what to do next so I spent majority of my summer doing outside activities, playing with my older cousins, competing, training and fighting but it always has its flaws which is that I have to take pills, daily pills, to prevent headaches. Once I got back to school in grade 6 lots of my classmates thought I was dead since I was gone for at least half of the quarters of semesters but they were happy to see and I was able to catch up. During the summer my parents moved to a really different place, like a small neighbourhood but it was nice and peaceful, when my parents were looking around they found this school, it was so near that if I wanted to I could just walk there, a few weeks past by and I adapted to my new surroundings really quickly, and... thats it, thats practically my life." "Damn... I mean, damn thats wow" she really been through a lot. It was quiet for a while then she spoke "I don't think it's their fault though, maybe they were just drugged of poisoned" wait what? "how are you even sure?!" I ask concerned "because the way they act around you, they have your back, no matter what happens they would be there to protect you, stand by you" she said with such clarity and honestly but heck, it's true they always had my back, them leaving my side was never an option to them. "so when are you gonna tell them?" I ask "what?! why?!" "they need to know" I shot back worried, she takes a few breaths then she says "you can tell them anytime, except without me, tell them but you have to be far away from me" I nod then she said "deal?" she raises her hand "deal" I said sternly, I shake her hand, we stand up and walk home.

A/N: Guys please comment at least try guessing I promise ill give shot outs but please at least try guessing. I'll be giving shout outs in future chapters.


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