Bonnie's POV

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I tune my guitar before I play one last song before I go back then the place like jail they call the school. I plug in my guitar 🎸 find my sheet of notes and start playing...

((Play music now))

I finish the song *sigh "The last song before hell comes back to life to torcher us for 1 more year" ((geez Bonne really hates school)) at least I'll be joining guitar for my club or "gift" as our school calls it. I'm the guitarist in my "group" but the others also have their part as well, everyone gets to sing at some point, but most of the time its Freddy, but the rest also have their own roles: Foxy plays the drums

 I'm the guitarist in my "group" but the others also have their part as well, everyone gets to sing at some point, but most of the time its Freddy, but the rest also have their own roles: Foxy plays the drums

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, I play electric guitar

, Chica plays beatbox ((percussion box))

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, Chica plays beatbox ((percussion box))

, Chica plays beatbox ((percussion box))

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and Goldy plays bass guitar

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and Goldy plays bass guitar

 We all have our parts, I and the others try to practice but the last school years were all the same, "why" you may ask *chuckles* well that's because

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. We all have our parts, I and the others try to practice but the last school years were all the same, "why" you may ask *chuckles* well that's because... WE CANT GET ANY TIME TO LITERALLY PRACTICE!! Were always running from "fans" at least that's what Chica calls them, which we hate, by the way, just to make it clear *sigh
" I get my things ready really late because I and others still live with our parents but they all agreed that they all go on family vacation for the whole year... It was the most stupid and genius idea in the world, since I can do whatever I want without anyone interrupting and I can invite friends over without worrying about my parents" I say all of that while fixing my things: my guitar, backpack and other things that will be used as a weapon to make it through the next school year. I head to my room, lay my head on NY pillow and start to think "will I ever find love? " and I start to think more
"I'm already grade 10 and I have 2 years till I graduate and... I'm scared that I might fie only one... alone... "
I felt a tear run down my face and then I felt a stream of tears running down. I wipe them off and try to head to sleep. But... I just couldn't I stay awake till 12 just thinking about being alone... But eventually, I do fall asleep...

later after all that...

Me:*runs to crying Bonne and hugs him real tight
Bonnie: What *sniff are you doing?
Me: it's ok Bonnie your not alone
Me:*starts to rub head up and down his chest
Bonnie: *hugs back
Bonnie: Thanks

((Images and video do not belong to me!!))

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