Goldy's POV

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"Ahhh... " I sigh in relief. "Finally got all my things finished for tomorrow, and I managed to do it 15 minutes earlier". I sleep early tonight because school starts tomorrow and making a good impression would be nice. I always had a hard time sleeping. While I was peacefully sleeping, I woke up damn reason!
"Geez this is a habit that'll take over my life soon" I say sounding really tired now "I guess this is a good time to get a drink" I jump out of bed and walk to the stairs but as I'm walking I saw Freddy's door open with light coming out of it.
I walk to the door and knock on the frame "Freedy?" He glances at me "what are you doing Its 2 am? you should be sleeping" I ask. " how about you, why are you still awake? " I reply "I woke up to drink water and then I saw that your door was open, and I was wondering why you were still awake", " I have forms to fill and the hard part... They all have to be handwritten" He says with exhausted eyes and a tired look on my face, then I say while walking in "let me see" I glances at his papers "and say "don't worry I'll take care of it, you some rest, you'll
need it tomorrow since the new school year starts" "you make a good point" He looks back at me and we make direct eye contact with my him and quickly puts his arms around me.
It took me a while to respond but eventually I had to hug back, he whispers in my ear "Thank You so much, Goldy, I don't know what I'd do without you. I reply "Your welcome and plus I'm your brother what would I not do for you " I saw him blush before breaking from the hug and he stands up walks to his bed and I sit down organizing his work. I say " good night brother", "you to Goldy"
He shuts his eyes and immediately falls asleep, and I get to work on his papers, they weren't too much to handle through all he had to do was organize by subject sadly he was so tired " sweet dreams dear brother".

"My Highschool Friends" DISCONTINUED STORY(Fnaf characters)Where stories live. Discover now