Foxy's POV

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It was late at night, I was arguing with my dad about cutting my hair. I never wanted to cut my hair, it was quite long and I really like it. My dad kept screaming at me about my hair while I politely debated with him. When it was over I marched to my room and slammed the door closed, I sighed "you'll be out of this house tomorrow" I told myself. I tied my hair into a bun and labeled all my materials, while I was labeling my 5 year old sister walked inside my room holding her pillow and blanket, with tears raining from her eyes, she sniffed and asked "mommy and daddy are arguing again, can I sleep here?" I smiled and gently pulled her inside, I locked and door and laid her head on my chest, she pulled the blanket over herself and cuddled with me. After a few minutes of stroking her back she asked me "can you sing me a lullaby?" I laughed and responded in a soft voice "ofcourse" I grabbed my acoustic guitar and started playing ((cue the song))

((Song dose not belong to me))

After singing I glanced at her, she was already asleep. I chuckled, and picked her up, I hoped into bed and grabed my blanket swinging it over the both of us, she kept trying to bury herself under my chest. When she fell asleep, I heard dad punch my door yelling "WHERE IS YOUR SISTER?!" I kept silent, I glanced at her, she started to cry, she wrapped one of her arms around me and pleaded "don't let dad get me..." I embraced her and reasured her that dad wouldn't lay a finger on her. He kept banging the door till he eventually stopped trying, that night I didn't let go of her, she was in my arms not adjusting neither moving away, she kept still and that and that was all that mattered.

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