5 Friends, 1 Mark

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*Reader-Chan/(Y/n)'s POV*

After getting settled in Chica' s house, she asked if we wanted anything to eat cause she, Freddy and Goldy were going to the store about 3 blocks away from here. I demanded two packed chips but then I saw Foxy and Bonnie staring at me with, dare I say, seductive eyes. I couldn't stop myself from blushing. I shook my head to get myself out of that trance "okay guys, were off to the store. Foxy, Bonnie don't do anything stupid while we're gone!" Chica exclaimed as she closed the door leaving me with Foxy and Bonnie, awkward quickly filled the small room. Until I heard shuffling, I looked to see Bonnie gone from his seat" B-Bonni- gah!" I felt a wet sensation on my right ear, my vision was soon blocked, Bonnie's hands were covering my eyes from behind," B-Bonnie, F-Foxy..." my minds hazy I can't think straight "S-Stop it, it's not funny..." I soon felt a warm sensation on my neck, I bit my lip to prevent embarrassing sounds from coming out of my mouth, the feeling got stronger and it was even harder to prevent moans from coming out. "Like that, (y/n)?~" Foxy asked, his voice seductively sounding. "That's all you get from us since your young~" Bonnie teased. Thank you Lord for these two juicy meats of men. Bonnie moved his hands hands from eyes, the lights shun bright, as if I have just woken up. I got off Bonnie and rubbed my neck, the mark was deep, no doubt there's a hickey. It started to sting so started rub the spot where Foxy "bit". Turns out he bit my neck a bit too hard and he ended up stabbing me. I rushed to the sink and rinsed the wound, I turned to Foxy and asked "Hey Foxy do you mind if ask but, are you vampire? Cause I think you wanted to taste my blood", he chuckled and and exclaimed "heh... sorry I didn't pay attention, I accidently got my fangs into your neck" I quickly bolted towards Foxy and screamed "REALLY!?!?" He bent down and opened his mouth, it was right there, two sharp fangs hanging on his upper set of teeth "cool" I respond enthuseasticly.

After a few minutes Bonnie apologies but then he smirked "I make no promises". When the others came back Chica was really exited but the enthusiasm turned into the curiosity when she noticed the bandages on my neck "what's that on your neck?" Chica asked "Oh... Um... Its nothing...heh...", after a few seconds of silence she exclaimed in a loud voice pointing at Foxy and Bonnie "YOU PERVERTS!" 'oh great... she found out' I thought "don't worry Chica, they already apologised" I stated to make her stop shaking the boys by the collar. " C'mon lets go, Foxy you can borrow my dads drum set, he barely uses it anyways and you two can just plug in your amplifier" we all stood up and walked to a door that led to a set stairs going down, we walked down the stairs and it led to the garage. When we got down, the boys started preparing their stuff while me and Chica started looking for the microphone. After a good 10 minutes of hunting for the mic we got nothing the boys finish their preparing by the time we started hunting   "you guys haven't found the mic yet?" Bonnie asked "YUP!" we responded in loud tone "Freddy jumped in and advised "You can look for it later, just try singing with louder voice so you'll over Foxy drumming" we nodded and got off the floor, the boys got into position, holding their instruments, while me Chica stayed on the side, Foxy started "Okay... a one, a two, a one two, three four!" ((cue the song)):

((If you don't like the song, then I'm sorry but I didn't what other song to put so... yeah))

When the boys finished me Chica started clapping "WOO! Good job boys! Lets take 5 and (y/n) will be the next lead singer" the boys agreed and dropped their instruments. Foxy grabbed his grabbed his water bottle and face towel and sat back down on the floor, I turned to him and asked "how do you get so sweaty when your drumming?", all the boys turned to me with this look of 'are you freaking serious?' Foxy sighed and answered back "First its kinda hot in here and second moving and coordinating both arms at the same time isn't easy" I nodded. After a few minutes of rest Chica exclaimed "Alright boys, time's up, c'mon it's (y/n) turn to sing" the bigs grunted and stood up and took their places "alright (y/n) what song are we playing?" Bonnie asked "Big Bad Wolf by Roses and Revolution" the boys nodded and started playing...

"YEAH WOO! GOOD JOB (Y/N)!" Chica screamed "ok boys! We'll be taking a 30 minute break, cause right now you guys look like your about to die" "yes!" I herd the boys silently whisper, when I looked back they were very sweaty and were panting very loudly "oof they look so dead..." I whispered. The gang went upstairs while I stayed behind "you sure you don't wanna come?" Chica asked "I'll catch up, I just need to do something down here"  I replied, they all went upstairs while stayed down here, I walked around the basement till I noticed an acoustic guitar sitting in the corner of the room 'I wonder if it's still in tune' I strummed it down. The sound was still crisp and clear, I pulled foxy's chair towards me and sat myself down, I cracked my nuckles and started playing a simple tune ((cue the song!)):

Song: "Fly Me To The Moon" cover by: Annapatsu
((Just imagine it a bit more high pitched))

When I finished the song, I turned to see the gang staring at me, "so...um...what's our next- oh crap..." I was cut off by the running bolting toward in lightning speed.

*Foxy's POV*
After a few minutes of rest, Chica asked "soo... do you think we have a chance of winning this..." we glance at her. "Maybe..." Goldy replied "why...? Is it because you ad boys have a cru-" "NO WE DONT!" we screamed in unison. "Alright then..." she replied grinning

*Chica's POV*
"yeah they do like her. I'll get them together soon" I thought as the boys kept talking. After a few minutes I hear a distant singing "fill my heart with song, let me sing forever more" "do you guys here that?" I asked as I squeezed Freddy's shoulder, I stood up and bolted down the stairs, the boys followed but they were to slow. When I got down I saw (y/n) playing my dad's old guitar. Quickly I got my phone and videoed her when the boys got down they stood there speechless 'yeah, I'm totally getting them together soon' I thought.

*Freddy's POV*
'Lord, why is her voice so pretty!?!?' I thought as she sang, when she finished Chica bolted towards her causing her to fall of the, "explain to me how you sing so freaking pretty?!?!?!" Chica screamed while she repeatedly kept shaking (y/n) in the process. We walked towards them helping both of them up, as we did I realized something... I didn't like her...

*All the boys POV at the same time*

I loved her...

I'm so sorry!! I'm not posting that often cause school is slowly killing me and I have no time to write soo... I'm currently trying to come up with more chapter ideas and trying to update as soon as I possibly could💕 ((yes I'm not dead)) (I'm legit posting this on a bus back to my house, while talking to my very sweaty friend) I hope you guys could understand why I'm not posting and don't worry soon I'll be posting the new
chapter/s ...soon...bye my sweet, sweet cinnamon rolls


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