A Hidden Talent

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*Reader-Chan/(Y/N)'s POV*

When I was home, I stayed up late just singing with my guitar and paper quilling, I'm such a reliable student. And turns out, me and the gang live in the same neighborhood. While I was listening to music I pushed up the window to let the cool breeze in. While quilling my favorite song started to play ((cue the song))

*Chica's POV*

I was out on my nighttime stroll with Foxy and while we were chatting I heard faint singing, I kept looking around for the source till I found an open window, as I approached it the singing got louder. I sprinted towards the window, with Foxy trailing behind me. I looked at window, as I moved backwards I was able to see the figure singing "WOO! YEAH! ONE MORE SONG!" I screamed, Foxy cheered with me. She moved closer to the window and screamed "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING!? STALKING!?" "Technically... yes. Come join us" I asked "I'm alright I got to go to bed anyways" she responded yawning "Uggh! Fine!" I shrugged "Good Night (y/n)!" I delightfully yelled "you too Chica" she sweetly responded. I and Foxy continued on our walk while chatting about (y/n)'s singing talent.

*Time Skip: The next day at school*

*Reader Chan/(Y/N)'s POV*

When I got to school, I was the earliest to arrive as usual, so I decided to be productive and already turn on the air conditioner and align the chairs. When I finished a few of my classmates were already in the classroom. I sat back on my seat and brought out my acoustic guitar, after tuning it and replacing one of the broken strings it sounded brand new. I strummed a few chords until the teacher suddenly walked inside the class, I place my guitar back in its case while greeting our teacher. When I sat back down, our teacher was giving out reminder till the T.A. in our classroom caught my attention, "Do you think you got what it takes? Then this is your chance to show the school what you got. The school will be having a music contest for the batches of the Grade 7 Neophytes and Grade 9 Freshmen. For a certain group to be accepted, you can only have 6 members, if you were to have more than you will have to inform your music teacher. So the steps to signing up are really simple, all you need to do write down your member's first name and last name and grade and section, once your one of the first 20 to sign up you will be accepted. To win, you and your bandmates will have either make a song or make a cover for a song. The group will be given 1 month to prepare and a week to submit a copy of it via email. The whole group will be given a pass slip so that would mean they will be excused if they missed classes or be late because of practice, the prize of this contest is a free day for the members and 3 people of their choice will also be part of it. There are sign up sheets already posted in the batches 'announcement bored' and for the students who are part of 'iPad class' then you may sign up with the link given by the teacher. You think you got what it takes, sign up now". Immediately after the announcement, I got a message from Chica saying:

Chica: I already signed us up!

Chica: That free day will be hours

When the teacher went out I had only one thought on my mind "the whole will probably be against me..."

*Time Skip: Lunch time*

While walking to the spot where me and the gang would stay, I was listening to my songs till I started to sing along to it ((cue the song)):

*Reader Chan*:

There's no good way to say this

How should I explain this nanana (na na na)
There's no way to play this
Like we have a good thing me and you

Nobody told me we'd end up this way
But I don't really like what you do
Nobody told me you were that persuasive about everything that you do
I couldn't see it, I could not believe it but my only mirror was you
But I'm better without you now

Come si, Come sa
Oh I'm better without you na
All the pain, all the games
All of this, better without you na
All of me, all of me
Is better without you na
Cause we are too different
But I'm Better Without you na-

"I TOLD (Y/N) COULD BE LEAD SINGER" Chica screamed, almost gave me a heart attack "how long have you been listening?" I asked really anxious "ohhh... I don't know... maybe... the whole time..." she happily exclaimed. While eating I noticed a bruise on Foxy's cheek, I swallowed my food and asked Foxy "Hey Foxy" "hmm" he hummed while chewing his food "why do you have a bruise on your cheek?" Bonnie and smirked and said "me and Foxy took a vow of silence, we can't say word... but I guess all I can say is that Freddy and Goldy are closer than they seem" "all right then'' I respond, Freddy face was a mixture of annoyed and mad "so about the contest, I guess Chica entered you all?" I asked curious "yup" they responded in unison. I chuckled "So who's doing what?" Chica looked at me confused till she got what I meant "Oh... well if your asking, then most likely you and Freddy are the lead singers, Bonnie is guitarist, Foxy is drummer, Goldy is either on base guitar or piano and i'm assigned to make sure that everything goes well". We chatted a little the T.A. announced "Ok, for 20 groups that signed please come to the guidance office to get your 'pass slip' " ."Well, shall we get going?" Goldy stated "yup!" we respond in unison, after fixing our stuff me and Chica ran ahead to get the pass slip. When we got there there was teacher holding the pass slips and calling one member from each group, so many students wanted that prize. The teacher called Chica and she raised her hand "Im here miss!"she gave the pass slips to Chica and we walked away. We got the guys and she gave each of us a pass slip, we signed and wrote down the same reason "Practice for talent competition". When I got back to the class, I sat back on my seat. I was really excited about the competition, being able to show the school what I really got in store.

*Time Skip: After Class*

When class ended Chica asked me to meet the gang at her house, "i don't know where her house is..."

On Reader Chan's phone:

•||4Guys and 2Girls||•
(Y/N) : Hey Chica where is your house?
Foxy: You didn't tell her didn't you?
Chica: woops...
Chica: Just enter the village and turn left, I'm walking home with the guys so I guess you'll see me
(Y/N) : Ok, thanks

I was inside the village, I turned left like Chica said, she was walking with guys chatting, oblivious that I was behind them, I slowed down and trailed behind them. I was surprised they haven't noticed me yet or maybe they know and they just don't want to look back. When we got to Chica's house, I hoped of my bike, slamming my feet on the ground they turned back quickly "(Y/N)!" they screamed in unison, Chica was espicially the loudest. I locked my bike on her mail box and walk inside. Her house was very modern, there were family pictures hanged on her wall, when we walked inside she said to drop our stuff on the coach and push the table to side so we would have space to sit on the rug. After Foxy pushed the table away and dropped down on the rug. "Okay lets get started..."

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