Meeting (Y/N)

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*Freddy's POV*                                                                                                                                                                                                       We are waiting for the bell to ring anxiously and ready because once it did our classmates would surround us and prevent us from doing anything. So we waited... the bell rang, we jumped out of our chairs and start bulking it down halls to get to the canteen. We made it halfway through before we heard a loud bang and quickly glance at Foxy because he had a metal arm and was running nearest to the lockers since most people stay on the locker side.

*Foxy's POV*
                 "Dammit, Dammit, Dammit!" I thought to myself as I hit a poor soul in the shoulders as we run away from the crowd of people. The others glance at me, and Freddy asked "what *pant happend!?!", "I hit someone in the and he or she may probably has a broken shoulder now soooo..... "
We just kept running till we got into the cafeteria, we quickly bought, ate and finished our lunch, then we ran out of the cafeteria and in to one of the band rooms, since the teachers and coaches all had to go to an international school meeting of some sort so they asked the students to stay in specific rooms and one person from each class in grade in the whole freaking school will come with them, Chica got called and she was assingned in the band room so me and the other guys were so desprate to go with her so when she chose us we were so happy. We got into the band room locked the door and rested. "*pant* so *pant* did we *pant* escape? " I ask Goldy walked to the door placed his ear against it and said
"I think were safe *pant* for now"
*Chica's POV*                                                                                                                                                                                                 I guess the guys didn't notice the piece of paper thats left outside each assigned room, in which each room will be assinged to specific students in specific grades, the band room got "(Y/N) (L/N)" Grade 7. We hear a knock on the door, since all of us were so freaking tired and dosen't want to get up I was the soul who got up, walked to the door and asked "who is it?" I ask in tired voice, she responded "umm... its (y/n) (l/n) I was assigned to this room if i'm not mistaken" I hesitated for a while then i asked "what grade?" all the guys glanced at me with concerned faces them she responded "umm... gr-grade 7, um however this, not to rush you or anything but can you please hurry there's a big crowd heading my way"

*(Y/N) , Reader-Chan's POV*

                 I run to the band room and put on my jacket hiding my metal arm, tried to open it but it was locked so I knocked a few times and I heard a female voice say "who is it?" she asked in a surprisingly tired voice, I answer back " umm... its (y/n) (l/n) I was assigned to this rook if i'm not mistaken" it was silent for a while then she said "what grade?" I answered back " "umm... gr-grade 7, um however this, not to rush you or anything but can you please hurry there's a big crowd heading my way" there was a freaking wake of people heading my way! and before I knew it someone pulled my inside quickly shut the door but when she tried to actually closed the door a bunch of people tried to break it down or something and since I wanted to help and backed up to the about half of the room and run towards the door and ram my metal arm banging the door shut real hard and and the girl quickly locked the door the incident could happen again. Me and the girl slammed our backs on the door and slid down, the force of me banging my shoulder on the door caused a bit of my jacket to remove and both of my shoulder were showing, I quickly placed back the right side of my jacket conceling my metal arm but my injured arm... i was too lazy,

                I looked up and saw 4 men sitting down on the ground leaning their backs against the wall then I noticed that all of them them had a colored streak in their hair and really uniquely colored eyes especially the 4 men their eyes looked to familiar. I look around examining each of them,one of them had a red streak in his hair, it was slightly messy but it was in a bun and based on his height and physical appearance he looked like the eldest among all of them, he had fox type eye with colors of red and orange, and to my surprise he also had a metal arm and leg... cool! .

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