A Day to Forget

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*Freddy's POV*                                                                                                                                                                      It only took our teacher saying "please take this extra time to think about past mistakes" *sigh* I looked around at my classmates, then I looked at the guys, Foxy's face was in his hands, Bonnie's hands her on the table clenched in fist and Goldy was looking down with his hands on the table. We thought we forgot that day but when teacher said that we wanted to die so badly. The bell rang, I jumped out of my seat quickly and ran to the restroom, once I made it inside I was shocked to see the guys putting on their black hoodies they stopped and Foxy asked "what the hell are you doin here?" , "Why else, can't just put on my hoodie in plain sight now can I" they continued to put on their hoodies, I did as well. We ran out of the rest room and quickly made it to the rooftop, it was our only safe place to eat, chat or just escape, the only people who know is me, the guys and Chica

*Chica's POV*

       Time to tell the guys. I looked around a bit to make sure that know one was following me, I grabbed by bag and run to the restroom I put on my dark blue hoodie and run to the rooftop. Once I made it there the guys were already there chatting. They all looked a little down but I knew I had to ask, it was the perfect time, "Umm, guys do you mind if I ask you something" I ask nervously "sure" they all respond *inhale* *exhale* "was there a time that-" "that?" Foxy asked "that you guys have gone crazy or been drugged?" they all looked down then Bonnie said in a stern voice "why do you ask?" "just curious" I know that they could tell I was lying, they're smart, then Goldy said "don't tell anyone about this or else!", Goldy was the quiet, shy and smart one but when he's mad, protecting something or someone or worse, betray him, you'd be dead in 10 seconds flat, so I came clean to him "I promise I won't tell", the boys sighed then Freddy said "we have gotten insane, once. We didn't know what happened, we just felt a sharp pain on our necks and then..." he paused for a while then he continued "after we came back to 'reality' we didn't know what to do. We panicked for a while then, we just decided to run and keep the guilt on our shoulders" once he finished I was really sorry for them, keeping all of this guilt, at least it's probably released after he said that story, but while it was silent something hit me "did you rip of a limb?", "limbs actually. It was the right arm and left leg" wait a minute did he just say- "were still attempting to find info about the person to see if he or she is still alive" 

*(Y/N) / Reader-Chan's POV*

                    I was walking to the gym to grab the stuff that I forget last week, I'm so forgetful! ,as I was walking I suddenly realised that Chica is only one who knows about my metal arm and leg, huh, welp..., I should tell the guys soon before I cause more chaos. I was jogging to the gym and half way there I got pulled to the side by... a surprisingly enthusiastic Chica "something wrong?" I ask, all of the guys were standing behind her with a really puzzled yet anxious look on their face. Chica then asked quickly "do you mind if you remove your jacket? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease..." she gave me the puppy dog eyes and I just gave her a really, really confused look but, because I was in a hurry and didn't want to be late for class so... I quickly removed my jacket, tied it around my waist and prayed that they were satisfied. I looked up and... to my surprise Chica was smiling in a manner that can only be described as... ok, while quickly fidgeting her fingers while  saying "hehe.." repeatedly in really soft voice. Ok, thats something you don't see everyday. The expression turned into shock then worried faces, I thought I did something wrong but instead Freddy walked up to me and said "sorry for ripping of your limbs" "oh its ok" I respond politely "HUH!?" they looked so shocked "I mean its in the past now and there's no pain so... just don't do it again" they chuckled and said "sure" "got to go guys" I waved and ran to my gym bag. I took the nearer exit and ran back to class, when I got there everyone was with their committees and because I'm assigned in almost all of them I walk to my seat, put on my headphones and slip away from reality. I finished the power point for our presentation and give it to the head chair she accepts it and work with the other committees. 

                 When the teacher dismissed us majority of us quickly stuffed their... stuff into their bags and rapidly ran out of the classroom, I assumed that they wanted to see Freddy and the other's and... I was right cause I heard girly high pitched and saw them ((you guys no who I mean)) run down the stairs "I hope they make it alive" I mumbled softly. For the people who didn't rush they were the ones in the class who were either not straight or not interested in them and most of them were my friends. I finished packing and exited the room but before I stepped out Ziy ((my OC)) screamed "hold up!" she,i guess I could call her that, she is gender-fluid(gender can switch from time to time), she has haircut of a boy and always wheres a lavender, turtleneck sweater and if its not a sweater it would be a hoodie or a jacket, she comes to me and says "lets go" we walk outside and started chatting "so which gender are you today?" I tease "heh, female, obviously can't have people ask me questions now can we" "no. we. can't" we high five and she exclaims "I have a question for you" "and what might that be?" "hows hanging out with... you know?..." of course this question "they're alright. They're just like your normal, everyday students except they're gifted with a very specific set of skills" "that's what so many people say" she responds curiously "can't blame a girl for trying" , "you're not even a girl" she teases "Fine, got me there" she chuckles. "See ya (Y/N)" "bye Ziy".

(( I can't believe I only I finish this friction chapter today! AHHHHHHHHH))

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