Swimming with The Sophomores

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*(Y/N) / Reader-Chan's POV* "WHAAAAAT" Ziy screams "why did they move it?!" "I don't know! our teacher just said that they decided to move swimming to second term instead of third because of the many activities and the improper scheduling". (( the teachers are back)) Our coach for swimming varsity told us to meet at the swimming pool so we can maximize our training because of the improper scheduling we won't be able to train as much. I got a pass and gave to the class secretary because I'll be training during class hours, I made it to the pool and there were not many swimmers "huh, I guess I'm early" I thought, I walked to a small cage, separated in half, with one half filled with our net bags and the other half is filled with gear that the students could borrow I opened the the half with net bags and I grabbed mine, the neon pink net bag. A few minutes past and more people started to arrive but, to be honest, there were not many varsities, the coach asked us to go change and reserve a lane, I was the first one to change and because I was a neophyte I had to reserve a lane for grade 7, I just chose lane 1. I toss the entangled lane line into the water, grabbed the end and pull. The farther I got, the more the untangled the lane line got. Once I got to the end I hooked the hook of the lane line into a small curved wire inside small hole in the floor/gutter. Once everyone was changed I got out of the pool and the coach asked all of us to sit in groups, by grade", once we all settled down the coach exclaimed "Ok. So because the coaches for the other grades are not here and i'm only one, you'll be doing you're normal sets then relay's against each grade level." we were all shocked because... HOW THE HELL CAN FREAKING GRADE 7 AND GRADE 8 STUDENTS CATCH UP WITH THE HIGHER GRADES!?!?! everyone held the most concerned faces known to man, well, except the seniors of course, they had confidence written all over their faces, some of them were even chuckling when the coach announced that, *tsk predictable. I was pissed but there was nothing that i could do so i just dealed with it.

*Time skip brought to you by: My friends*

The Neos. finished their sets first and we were just resting most of the time. We were really few on the varsity team compared to the senior's, we were 14 and the seniors were atleast 21 ((hehehe)) , so while waiting we managed to insert time for a short conversation, "so do think we'll beat the seniors?" I sighed, one of them replied "I freaking hope so!", "were gonna be humiliated, aren't we?" I shot back smiling, already knowing that were gonna fail, "yup" we all respond. We were gonna finish at least two hours after dismissal and because every recces and lunch most of us, even me, go to the canteen with towels wrapped around their waist, wearing our intrams. t-shirt while the other students stare at us wondering "what the hell are they wearing?" . Once everyone was done the coach blew the whistle and got our attention, we all looked towards her and she started to speak loudly "ok, now that everyone's done with their sets, it's now time for the relay's and luckily we have two hours left to train so that means other students can watch and maybe catch up because we have a few student who are not varsity but their speed and endurance says other wise", and what do you mean by that coach? this will definitely not end well, coach then continued "everybody go take a few minute break, the other club members will be arriving", we all jump out of the pool, walk to our bags and wrap our towels around waist. I didn't care that much about the club and they didn't bother us until coach shrieks "the club will be joining their corresponding batches so please tell the club on what their gonna do"... UHHHHGGGG!!! ,this is gonna end well.

*Goldy's POV*

"Do we have to?" I ask concerned "Yes! it's our club we have to attend and besides, next school year we won't sign up" Chica responds all ready to quit swimming club. We just finished one of the hardest we have encountered for this term and right now, we just go home and sleep. When we got there we noticed that the pool's lane line's were already there and the varsity's were sitting with their bags or their friends. "Huh" I thought "I guess the varsity's got tired" I pondered. Me and the other's placed our many bags at the end of the "bleachers" so we can catch less attention. We were dubbed "The Fast One's" for some reason, we were always the one's who would be volunteered first in sprints and 4 out of the 5 of us would be used in relays. We saw the coach walk in front and she started to talk loudly "Ok everyone. So we'll be having relay's with both varsitiy's and club members. Everyone has to swim because this will added to your grades. So each grade will have a lane, Lane 1 for Neophytes, Lane 2 for Rookies and so on so forth. There will be points for the grade who finishes first and those points will be added to your grades at the end of the day. Any questions?" "no miss" we all replied in unison "very well,everyone get ready. Our first set is 200 meter freestyle, we'll give you 2 minutes to decide who goes first, is that good?" "yes miss!" we all shout "then, GO!" we all jump from our seats and run to our lane, we start planning and assigning who goes first.

TIME SKIP ((this is too long and i wanna keep my word count below 2000))

There are still one last round. To the seniors surprise the neophytes are catching up, the scores were:

Neophytes(Grade7): 7points

Rookies(Grdae8): 4points

Freshmen(Grade9): 6points

Sophomores(Grade10): 9points

Juniors(Grade11): 8points

Seniors(Grade12): 6points

During the last rounds there was one swimmer that i noticed, he or she wouldn't take of his or hers swim and goggles and he or she would always be blocked so we couldn'e see his or her limbs, but i didn't mind. The last round was 200 meter IM (individual medly) ((Its in the order of: Butterfly, Backstroke, Breastroke and Freestyle. Don't worry cinammon role i gotta you)), and because the pool that we swam in was only 50 meters, it meant that the four member's of the relay would have to swim 2 laps. The varsitiy's looked around and pointed at Me, Freddy, Foxy and Bonnie and said "these 4 were fastest so, you guys are our best bet" we looked at each other shocked that we were the one's who'll carry the whole team on our backs, I think he saw our faces because he then says "if you don't want to do it its fine, were not forcing you to", we paused for a while but Foxy then said smiling "lets do it" he looked at us ad said "what do you guys say?" we smiled and said in unison "lets do this!" the faces of the grade 10 swimmers faces lit up then the whistle blew. The four of us walked in front of the diving board and the coach exclaimed in a loud voice "this is the last set! Swimmers take your mark" foxy stepped on to the diving board and got in to position, the horn blew...

The swimmer's dived in, Foxy started to get in the lead followed by Seniors and Neophytes. He was already coming back from to do the second set and and the seniors stared to fall back as well as the neophytes. When Foxy passed the flag I jumped in the water, when he touched the wall I immediately started to go all out, I kept my head steady so that i would move faster. I was coming back from the second set and I started to feel light-headed but I pushed through it. The closer I got to the wall the quicker I got cause I started to black out. When I touched the wall Bonnie dove in, I stood up and placed both of my arms on the wall and lied down, I heard footsteps run towards me then I felt a touch on my head, I heard Foxy saying in a mumbling type voice "Goldy! Goldy! Are you ok?!" I started to regain my energy so I slowly looked and saw Foxy and the other Varsity's surrounding me. I jumped out of the water and reasured everyone that I was ok, I looked at the pool and saw that Freddy was already in the pool doing freestyle with a neophyte catching up quickly, everyone started to cheer louder the closer the neophyte got... she caught up in the turn, Freddy managed to catch up but only till he reached half the pool, the neophyte managed to touch first and when she did the whole was so happy. Freddy got out of the pool panting repeatedly saying sorry but all of kept saying that It was ok cause we still got the highest score. While everyone was talking coach started to speak on the microphone "I would like to say thank yo for joining us club and i would also like to congratulate the neophytes for being able to catch up to the higher grades" we all cheered "Ok everyone, all of you can go take your showers and head home. Thank you for joining us today".

We were all done taking a shower and we were just waiting for Chica. When she went out (Y/N) was behind her. We chatted for a while then Chica just randomly pointed out that, did (Y/N) was the one who swam with Freddy, we all turned to her with shocked faces and we were utterly surprised but we still looked at her the same way, we chatted for a while then we said our good-bye's and walked home.

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