Part 2 (Anne's POV)

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     Gilbert. I felt like iv'e heard that name somewhere, I pushed the thought of him away as I put my glass bottle next to Dianas to keep it cold. I saw Diana, Josie, Ruby, Jane, and Tillie walking up to me.

     "I don't know what you think you were doing talking to Gilbert Blythe" Josie spat out at me with that nasty look she always gave me.


     "Diana and Gilbert have been dating for more than three years" Oh heavens, now I knew where I had heard the name ... Diana. She probably hated me now, I needed to reassure her that it was an accident.

     "I didn't mean to walk with him, it just happened" I reassured

     "Well don't let it happen again" Jose said, the nasty look still upon me. "There, there. That nasty girl didn't know any better" Diana rolled her eyes I couldn't tell if it was at me or Josie, but she didn't look upset ... If anything, Ruby looked more upset than Diana.

     "I won't, I promise, i'll have nothing to do with him". I stated, biting my ip nervously. Josie rolled her eyes at me, then turned and walked off. Diana stayed behind.

     "Anne, I know you didn't walk with him on purpose. I just--you don't like him though, right"? She asked with a concerned or worried look painted over her face.

     "Of course not, Diana I don't even know him, and besides, how could I ever do that to my only true friend" I exclaimed.

     "Oh Anne, i'm truly sorry for ever doubting you" she replied as she wrapped her arms over me into a hug. Now I just had to make sure Gilbert and I never talked again, I could never do that to Diana.

     As if the girls didn't already hate me enough, well, everyone besides Diana, now I had made it worse by talking to Gilbert. Josie will never stop being mean to me, and the other won't ever stop following after her. Now all I could do was just hope that one day it will all be different.

What's Meant To Be (shirbert AU)- Francheska IlievWhere stories live. Discover now