Part 16 (Annes POV)

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     I couldn't help but look at Gilbert, even Jerry noticed. "You really fell for him huh" he chuckled, I gave him a glare.

     "Shut up Jerry or you won't be getting a ride back to Avonlea" I snapped at him, he just laughed again.

     "May I cut in?" I turned my head and saw that it was Gilbert, he had a soft smirk plastered on his face. Jerry purses his lips to keep from laughing, I gave him the most threading death stare I could conjure up, his eyes widened immediately out of fear

     "She's uh-she's all yours" he said shakily, and walked off.

     He hadn't even done anything and my heart was already pounding. He walked up to me slowly and wrapped an arm around my waist, butterflies
swarmed through me at the touch. Then, he clasped our other hands together, my heart was beating so fast I was almost sure he could hear it. He lead the dance, while I tried not to step on him. By the end of the song our faces were merely inches apart. "Can we go somewhere and talk?" He asked. I nodded and he took my hand, and led me out of the ball room.

     I found the room I had slept in when I was at aunt Jo's with Jerry. I sat on the bed waiting for him to say something, he didn't, instead he just came up and sat next to me. We sat in comfortable silence for about a minute before he finally said something. "I should've let you explain this morning..." he paused, my eyes trailed up to his—his beautiful Hazel eyes that started this whole mess, if only I listened to my head and not my heart. "I didn't know you asked him as a friend, I—I got angry." He sighed "I know you don't want to hurt them Anne, but I . . ." He trailed off like he was uncertain of whether he should continue.

     "That day in the woods, you were right. . . I was making excuses because it was hard to cross that line with you, because I knew as soon as I did everyone would hate me. Yet, I did it anyways, I crossed it, and I got scared. I was scared I would lose everyone I cared about, I was scared I would lose you. I tried to fix it but Ruby had already seen, and everyone ended up hating me anyways. I knew I had made the right decision ending it before it stared, and yet, I still felt miserable" I paused for a breath realizing how much I was rambling on."I felt miserable because I didn't—I don't want it to end" I pursued my lips waiting for him to say something—anything. He looked utterly shocked, he kept his eyes on me, my heart was pounding, I just admitted every feeling I had for him, and he didn't have anything to say? Then, he slightly narrowed his eyebrows and smiled.

     "Anne—" he started but I interrupted.

     "I shouldn't have told you not to talk to me, I should've realized the way I felt sooner, I should've—" I was stopped short as Gilbert took my face in his hands and our lips met, once again. Before I knew it I was laying on my back, still captured in the kiss. I tangled my hands through the curls of his hair, and pulled back slowly "what a way of telling someone to shut up" I laughed against his lips. He was about to lean down again before the door opened, and Josie Pye walked through . . .
*This took me way too long I'm so sorry. Anywaysssss Tea lmao, gotta wonder what Josies gonna do with what she saw... ;). Leave some feedback ppl ily*

What's Meant To Be (shirbert AU)- Francheska IlievWhere stories live. Discover now