Part 15 (Gilberts POV)

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     The whole room froze still as Anne walked through the door. She had a beautiful light blue dress on, and she looked stunning in it. She paused at the top of the stairway and our eyes met almost immediately. Then I saw the boy who she was hugging, he walked up next to her and linked their arms. She looked back at me, but I just shook my head. Everyone stood frozen as she walked down the stairway, she whispered something to the guy and he laughed. This was going to be a very long night.

I watched as Anne danced and laughed with whoever he was, had she really moved on that fast? I couldn't watch them anymore, it was making me miserable. I walked over to the drinks.

"I thought you were gonna ask her, what happened ?" Charlie asked as he walked up to me, I looked at the guy and rolled my eyes.

"Someone beat me to it" I said clenching my jaw and taking a sip of my drink. Charlie looked over at the guy Anne was with.

"Jerry?" He laughed. He actually laughed, why the hell was he laughing, none of this was funny. I gave him a look and he stopped "wait. You're serious?" He asked genuinely. I gave him another annoyed look. "Gil, Jerry asked Anne here as a friend . . . she didn't want to go without a date since I was going with Diana"

"Oh god" I wanted to hit myself with a slate, she really didn't know what I was talking about this morning. "I need to talk to her" she was still dancing with Jerry. "Wish me luck" I said to Charlie but before he could reply I was already walking.

Without giving myself time to think I walked up to Anne and Jerry "may I cut in?"

What's Meant To Be (shirbert AU)- Francheska IlievWhere stories live. Discover now