Part 5 (Gilberts POV)

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"Anne"! I remember yelling before she slammed the door. Before I could even think I hurtled myself through the window, and inside the burning house.

"Anne"! I screamed. no responce. I Could hear everyone yelling her name from outside, I could also hear Diana crying, at least it wasn't because of me this time.

I could barely breathe, I needed to find Anne, she'd been here so much longer than me. I heard a faint cough coming from downstairs and immediately broke out into a run.

"Anne"? I shouted. I heard another cough-- she's in the kitchen.

She was on the ground, she must have missed a window down here and couldn't make it out on time. "Anne"! I yelled, she was passed out.

I lifted her up, an arm under her knees, and one supporting her back, then ran towards the door trying to hold back a cough.

"Anne, Gilbert"! Marilla said as I ran out of the flaming house, "Thank you, thank you" she said twice crying as she took Anne from my hands and set her in the grass. Everyone huddled over as Anne started waking up.

She stopped the fire ... the thought replayed in my mind over and over again. She could have died, yet she still ran towards the fire. I don't know anyone else who would have done that, who would have been so fearless.

Everyone was still huddled around her, asking her if she was ok, and how she knew to close the doors and windows.

"Anne, what were you thinking"! I heard Marilla yell worriedly. I honestly wanted to know the answer too.

"The fire manual in the orphanage" she managed to cough out. "There wasn't much else to read" Anne continued, I could see Marilla's expression change to empathy ... I could feel the same change in my expression as well, I clenched my jaw. Kids at the orphanage have probably made fun of her for her whole life, I didn't make it any better by teasing her.

I spotted Diana's eyes on me--on me looking at Anne ... all I did these days was hurt people I didn't want to hurt. I wished there was a way to--

"Gilbert saved you" Marilla said interrupting my though, my cheeks heated.

Anne looked at me, as if to say I forgive you.

We all stayed there until dawn, my eyes kept trailing off to Anne and whoever the boy was that was next to her. I tried to focus on what the priest was saying. I failed.

Anne, Ruby, and Diana were all walking home, I caught up to them "Anne" I said, maybe a bit too enthusiastically because they all looked at me weirdly. "Can I speak to you for a minute"? I asked.

I saw Anne glance over at Diana for a second, then Ruby. Ruby looked sad, though, who wouldn't be after something like this. "Uh, maybe another time. Thanks for uh--saving me from the house though", Ruby's eyes shot up as if she didn't know.

"Yeah, yeah sure. You're welcome" I smiled awkwardly.

Some part of me really hoped Anne would come back to school, if she did lets hope I don't get another slate smashed in my face. I smiled at the memory, then started making my way home as well.

What's Meant To Be (shirbert AU)- Francheska IlievWhere stories live. Discover now